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Tenth International Conference on
Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter

August 12th - 17th, 2001 Black bullet Dartmouth College Black bullet Hanover Black bullet USA

Phonons 2001
Second Circular

Call For Papers


Abstract Submission Deadline................30 March

Notification of Acceptance.....................1 May

Registration Deadline.........................1 June

Manuscript Submission Deadline...............16 July

PHONONS 2001............................August 12-17

Corrected Manuscripts Deadline.............1 October


The abstract, footnotes, references and any graphics should fit on one side of A4 or 8_ x 11 inch paper with 2 cm margins all round. Use 12 point or a larger font and single line spacing. List the names and affiliations of all authors. Submissions must include the following information about the contact person for the paper: name, full address, telephone and fax number, and e-mail address. Indicate on your abstract whether you prefer an oral or a poster presentation.


Abstracts can be submitted electronically as attachment files to: Please use the word ABSTRACT in the subject line of your message. We will accept the following file formats: MS Word, Postscript, PDF, TeX and LaTeX. If you prefer to submit an abstract by mail, please send four copies to:

Phonons 2001
Department of Physics and Astronomy
6127 Wilder Laboratory
Dartmouth College
Hanover, NH 03755

Organizing Committee
Martin Wybourne, Chair, Dartmouth College
Walter Lawrence, Dartmouth College
Madeleine Msall, Bowdoin College

Program Committee
M. P. Blencowe (Chair) (USA)
J. I. Dijkhuis (The Netherlands)
A.J. Kent (UK)
K. Lassmann (Germany)
H.J. Maris (USA)
N. Nishiguchi (Japan)
M.L. Roukes (USA)
G. P. Srivastava (UK)
F. Vallee (France)

International Advisory

W.E. Bron (USA)
B. Cabrera (USA)
M. Cardona (Germany)
L. J. Challis (UK)
W. Dietsche (Germany)
J.I. Dijkhuis (The Netherlands)
W. Eisenmenger (Germany)
A.G. Every (South Africa)
S. Hunklinger (Germany)
A.A. Kaplyanskii (Russia)
C. Laermans (Belgium)
H.J. Maris (USA)
R. Maynard (France)
C.J. Mellor (UK)
L.P. Mezhov-Deglin (Russia)
T. Nakayama (Japan)
R.L. Orbach (USA)
T. Paszkiewicz (Poland)
N. Perrin (France)
B. Sadoulet (USA)
M.A. Stroscio (USA)
S. Tamura (Japan)
J.K.Wigmore (UK)
J.P. Wolfe (USA)

Dartmouth College
J. C. Nabity Lithography Systems
National Science Foundation

Contact Information
Dartmouth College
Dept. of Physics & Astronomy
6127 Wilder Laboratory
Hanover, NH 03755 USA
Fax: 603-646-1446
Phone: 603-646-1379

Confirmed Plenary Speakers (Provisional Titles)

Gerald Bastard, Laboratoire de Physique de la Matiere Condensee, France, "Electron Phonon Interaction and Energy Relaxation in Quantum Dots"

Manuel Cardona, Max Planck Institute fur Festkorperforschung, Germany, "Recent Developments in Phonon Physics: Overview and Future Outlook"

Christian Enss, Kirchhoff-Institut fur Physik, Germany, "Beyond the Tunneling Model: Quantum Phenomena in Ultracold Glasses"

Keith Schwab, Laboratory for Physical Sciences, University of Maryland, USA, "Measurement of Quantized Energy Transport"

Michael Stroscio, Army Research Office, USA "Phonons in Nanostructures: Device Applications"

As other invited speakers are confirmed, they will be announced on the website. A complete list will appear in the third circular.

Topics To Be Covered In The Scientific Program
Coherent Phonons
Electron-Phonon Interactions
Interfaces and Quantum Fluids
Isotope Effects
Phonons in Electronic and
    Opto-Electronic Devices
Lattice Dynamics
New Techniques
Particle Detection
Phase Transitions
Phonon Transport
Raman and Neutron Scattering
Publication of Conference Proceedings
Authors will be notified of the acceptance of their paper by 1st May 2001. The proceedings will be published as a special issue of Physica B. All manuscripts will be peer reviewed. Details of manuscript preparation will be given at a later date.

Social Program
The social program will include a welcome reception on Sunday, August 12, 2001, an excursion, and a conference barbecue. There is a separate fee for the barbecue and the excursion. The welcome reception will take place in the Collis Center Common Ground Room from 7:00-9:00 pm. Light refreshments and beverages will be served. The excursion will be to the Marsh Billings National Park, which offers a range of easy and moderate hiking opportunities. The National Park is on the outskirts of Woodstock, VT, which is a typical, old New England town. Arrangements will be made for delegates who wish to visit the shops, art galleries and cafe's in the village. If there is interest, a more strenuous hike in the White Mountains will also be arranged.

Accompanying Persons Program
Excursions and other programs will be arranged for spouses and accompanying persons. Descriptions of these events will be announced on the web site and in the third circular.

Conference Venue
The conference will be held at Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire. Lectures will take place at Cook Auditorium, a modern 300 seat facility and at the adjoining Thayer School of Engineering, Cummings Hall. The weather in August can vary from sunny and hot to breezy and rainy with temperatures ranging from 24 ° to 30 ° C. More details can be found on the conference web site. The Dartmouth College Travel Office is available to assist with travel arrangements at 1-800-321-0707 or 603-646-3900.


Black bullet Full Registration on or before 1 June 2001
Black bullet Student Registration on or before 1 June 2001
Black bullet Full Registration after 1 June 2001
Black bullet Student Registration after 1 June 2001

The Registration Fee includes a copy of the conference proceedings mailed directly to your address, a welcome reception, and coffee breaks. The registration form can be found on the website and a copy is enclosed. The student registration fee does not include a copy of the proceedings. Student registration should be accompanied by a letter from the student's advisor stating the student's status. If you have any special needs, please contact the conference administrator prior to your arrival.


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Dormitory Rooms. The majority of delegates will be housed in dormitory rooms on campus. The dorm rooms are located in a modern dorm complex. The rooms are air conditioned, carpeted, and include daily housekeeping service and towels. Bathroom facilities are shared. Laundry facilities are available. A single dorm room is $60.00 per night. Some double rooms are available at $45.00 per person per night. If you want to share a double room, please provide the name of the person with whom you will share. If you require a room for Friday evening, please reserve it early as the number of rooms for that evening is limited.
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Hanover Inn. A limited number of rooms have been reserved at the Hanover Inn for those who do not wish to stay in a dormitory. The special conference rate is $175.00 per night. To make a reservation please contact the Hanover Inn directly at 1-800-443-7024 or 603-646-3744 and mention that you are with the PHONONS 2001 conference. Their web site is .
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Norwich Inn. Rooms have also been reserved at the Norwich Inn, telephone number 802-649-1143. The Inn is located in Norwich, VT, approximately 1.5 miles from campus. Participants are responsible for making their own reservation at the Norwich Inn. Please mention the conference when making your reservation. The rates vary from $69.00 to $149.00 a night plus a 9% Vermont room tax. These prices are subject to change by next summer. All reservations must be made by June 1, 2001.


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Breakfast Option. A continental breakfast Monday through Friday at the Hanover Inn $50.00
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Barbecue. Dartmouth Skiway $45.00
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Excursion. Marsh Billings National Park $15.00
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Car Parking. $18.00 for the week. Participants with a car can only park in designated areas.
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Athletic passes. $15.00 for the week. Facilities include two swimming pools, sauna, hard and clay tennis courts, racquetball and squash courts, indoor and outdoor tracks and weight rooms equipped with Nautilus and free weights.


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All fees can be paid by a bank check drawn on a US bank in US dollars. Please make checks payable to the Trustees of Dartmouth College. This method of payment is encouraged.
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Credit card payment will be accepted after January 1, 2001. There will be a 3% service charge added to all credit card transactions. Your credit card billing address is necessary to process this transaction.
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Institutional wire transfers will be accepted. Wire transfers from personal accounts cannot be accepted. For this method of payment, we require email notification so that we can send your institution the appropriate routing instructions.


Spacer Through the generous support of our sponsors, some financial assistance is available for students and junior scientists. If you would like to be considered for support, please submit to the Conference Chairman a one-page letter describing your research accomplishments and the material you would like to present at the conference. A letter of recommendation from your advisor should accompany your application.


Spacer To cancel your registration and receive a full refund, please notify the Conference Administrator in writing before June 1, 2001. Requests for refunds after June 1 will be subject to a $40.00 administrative fee. No refunds will be possible after August 12, 2001.

Conference logo

Tenth International Conference on
Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter

August 12th - 17th, 2001 Black bullet Dartmouth College Black bullet Hanover Black bullet USA


First Name: __________________________________________________________________ Middle Initial:______________

Family Name:__________________________________________________________________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________



Phone: __________________________________________ Fax: ________________________________________________

Email: _______________________________________________________________________________________________


____ $390.00 Full Registration   ____ $250.00 Student Registration

____ Registration after June 1 2001 add $50.00

Registration sub total $____________


____ Single    ____ Double       ____ I will be sharing my room with ______________________________________________.
Spacer (name)

Dorm Room Single is $60.00 per night. Double is $45.00 per person per night.

____ Sunday ____ Monday ____ Tuesday ____ Wednesday ____ Thursday ____ Friday

Accommodation sub total $____________


____ $50.00 Breakfast Option

____ $15.00 Athletic Pass

____ $45.00 Barbecue Ticket

____ $15.00 Excursion Spacer Options sub total $ _____________

____ $18.00 Parking Pass

TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $ ____________

Master Card ____     Visa ____

Card Number: __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __- __ __ __ __- __ __ __ __

Expiration Date: __ __ /__ __

Signature: _____________________________________________________

Credit Card Billing Address

Name _________________________
Address ______________________
Postal Code __________________
Country ______________________
All requested information must be filled out for us to process your credit card transaction.

Please fax this form to 603-646-1446 or mail it to: PHONONS 2001, Dartmouth College, Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, 6127 Wilder Laboratory, Hanover, NH, 03755, USA