Politics, Procedure, and Patience: Lessons from a Science Policy Colloquium

Three IGERT graduate students selected by NSF to attend a 10-day summer policy workshop in Washington, DC, to learn how federal policy gets made, talk about their experiences.

September 24, 2014
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Haldeman 41 (Kreindler Conference Hall)
Sponsored by
Dickey Center
More information
Lee McDavid

The American Meteorological Society (AMS) colloquium targets graduate students, faculty, and professionals in the atmospheric sciences. Julia Bradley-Cook, Alexandra Giese, and Gifford Wong attended sessions designed to provide an overview of policy basics and how decisions are made that influence the course and future of atmospheric science. The colloquium also provided opportunities for participants to talk with the federal officials, Congressional staffers’ and others who make those decisions.

View the Powerpoint from the presentation.

Sponsored by the Dickey Center's Institute of Arctic Studies. Read a description of the colloquium on the IGERT blog.

Haldeman 41 (Kreindler Conference Hall)
Sponsored by
Dickey Center
More information
Lee McDavid