Summer Lecture Series The Future of American Power and Influence

A six-week series (7/15-8/19) covering: The State of Our Union - Economic Health - Military Might - Media Perceptions - Innovation and Technology and International Perspectives

July 15, 2015
9:00 am - 11:30 am
Spaulding Auditorium, Hopkins Center for the Arts
Sponsored by
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Dartmouth
More information
Lisa King
(603) 646-0154

The Future of American Power and Influence - History has shown that every dominant country or empire eventually loses its dominance.  The Mongols, Romans, Ottomans, and Great Britian offer examples.  In some cases the decline occurs quickly.  In others, it occurs gradually for a variety of reasons that become irreversible, and new powers emerge.

America has been the world's dominant power for decades, a role that was solidified even further with the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1989.  However, recent internal and external developments suggest that this global dominance may be beginning to erode, along with the perception of America's influence and resolve.  Is it true?  If so, what does America need to do to restore it?

We have a the following speakers lined up Wednesday July 15 - Wednesday Augus 19 9 AM to 11:30 AM in Spaulding,  to share their thoughts and knowledge on the various topics:

July 15 - Ron Suskind, best-selling author and Pulitzer prize-winning journalist
July 22 - Matt Slaughter, Dean of Tuck School of Business
July 29 - Michael Kofman, National Security Expert
August 5 - Marty Baron, Executive Editor, The Washington Post and Elisabeth Bumiller, Washington Editor, The New York Times
August 12 - Scott Sandell, General Partner, New Enterpirse Associates venture capital firm
August 19 - Robert Rae, Canadian Political Leader

Current Dartmouth I.D. shown the day of the lecture to the Osher at Dartmouth staff at Spaulding Auditorium, will gain entry at no cost.  Questions?  603-646-0154

Cost for the series ticket $120 per person.
Cost per ticket per day is $25 per person.

Spaulding Auditorium, Hopkins Center for the Arts
Sponsored by
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Dartmouth
More information
Lisa King
(603) 646-0154