The Syrian Migration: Today’s Reality, Tomorrow’s Implications

President Philip J. Hanlon to open Convocation for OSHER@Dartmouth's 25th Anniversary. Anemona Hartocollis, a New York Times journalist, will discuss the Syrian migration.

November 18, 2015
10 am - 12 pm
Spaulding Auditorium, Hopkins Center for the Arts
Sponsored by
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Dartmouth
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“Zain al-Abideen’s father lifts him over a coil of glittering razor wire in the moonlight darkness of a Serbian farm, stretching to hand the boy to a relative on the other side”

“Though Zain is only 4, this is by no means his first surreptitious border crossing, and he remembers his father’s admonition at the very start of their journey, when they slipped from their homeland of Syria into Turkey: ‘Don’t make a sound, or the guards will beat us.’”

“On this night, as Zain is passed over the wire from Serbia into Hungary, the barbs rip two bloody gashes in his right shin”

            “He remains silent.”

  -Anemona Hartocollis, New York Times

It’s the biggest, most sudden, most meaningful migration of our times.  It has already exposed serious cracks in the European Union, and long held prejudices among its member states.  But at its center, it’s a human crisis, multiplied a million times over.

Dartmouth President Philip J. Hanlon ‘77 opens this special occasion in Spaulding Auditorium to honor OSHER@Dartmouth's (formerly ILEAD) 25 years of Continuing Education and to report on ‘Moving Dartmouth Forward’. 

We are fortunate to have a guest lecturer, Anemona Hartocollis, a New York Times journalist, who recently traveled with the immigrants themselves. She will help us understand their journey, tragedies, sacrifices, and continuing life struggles in their new, suspicious, not always welcoming homes.

This two-part lecture is FREE, made possible by the OSHER@Dartmouth endowment.


Anemona Hartocollis' Twitter: @anemonanyc


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Spaulding Auditorium, Hopkins Center for the Arts
Sponsored by
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Dartmouth
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