Rockefeller Business & Entrepreneurial Leadership: Functionality Research

Conduct surveys on profitability (IE- will people pay for this, will people want to advertise?) How many people will be using it? How much data storage do we need to buy?

February 3, 2016
7 pm - 8 pm
RM. 209
Sponsored by
Rockefeller Center
Public, Students-Undergraduate
More information
Vincent Mack
  • Conduct surveys on profitability (IE- will people pay for this, will people want to advertise?)
  • How many people will be using it? How much data storage do we need to buy?
  • How much money is it going to take to create this?
  • Re-work mock-ups of operating system and visual layout
RM. 209
Sponsored by
Rockefeller Center
Public, Students-Undergraduate
More information
Vincent Mack