Physics & Astronomy Space Plasma Seminar - Prof. John Wygant, Univ. of Minnesota

Summary Title: "Van Allen Probes Measurements"

April 19, 2016
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Wilder 111
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Physics & Astronomy Department
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Tressena Manning

Title: "Van Allen Probes Measurements of Intense Bursts of Wave Poynting Flux
 Associated with of Energetic Particle Acceleration at a Magnetic
Dipolarization Event Mapping to a Discrete Auroral Arc"

Abstract: The Van Allen Probes spacecraft provide a unique opportunity to
investigate the physics of energetic particle acceleration in the
inner magnetosphere of the Earth. Here we present observations from
one class of energization mechanisms operating in the near Earth
geomagnetic tail which involve injection towards the Earth of
localized bursts  of energetic electrons and ions. These  energetic
particle enhancements are coincident with regions of intense magnetic
field aligned Poynting flux which map to very dynamic discrete auroral
arcs with latitudinal widths of 30 km, lasting about 1 minute, and
evolving over time scales of seconds. At the spacecraft position, the
intense intervals of Poynting flux are associated with magnetic
dipolarization events. Other observations include intense fluxes of
outflowing ionospheric O+ which appear to be related to the
down-flowing Poynting flux. These measurements provide evidence for a
scenario in which the energy flow in the form of Poynting flux and its
dissipation in electron acceleration to form auroral arcs are a
crucial feature of the evolution and dynamics of magnetic
depolarization events.


Wilder 111
Sponsored by
Physics & Astronomy Department
More information
Tressena Manning