Physics & Astronomy Ph.D. Thesis Defense - Miles Engel - Dartmouth College

Title: "Test-Particle Simulations of Inner Zone Proton Belt Loss During Geomagnetic Storms".

May 18, 2016
1 pm - 2 pm
Wilder 202
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Physics & Astronomy Department
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Tressena Manning

Abstract: Since their discover in 1958 the Van Allen radiation belts have been a hot topic of study. They represent a serious hazard to satellites and so are important to understand and predict through modeling. Much of the work that has been done so far has been on the electrons in the radiation belts, but recently the inner zone and protons have been receiving a greater amount of attention. The primary interest is in the discrepancies between current models and satellite data. The two major discrepancies are the depth of losses during large geomagnetic storms, and the energy independence of these losses. Satellite data shows that these losses can go all the way down to an L of 2 where as models typically only see loss down to an L of 3, and even then the models show an energy dependence in the depth of losses that is not present in the data. To solve these discrepancies I will use particle tracing code to follow protons using the full Lorentz trajectories in the TS05 magnetic field model with the addition of an inductive electric field. By adding this electric field I will be able to simulate the E X B drift that the particles undergo. It is hoped that this drift and subsequent energy change will be able to answer our questions. If they do not, greater effort must be made in attempting to determine the source of these features, and how to incorporate these sources into models.

Wilder 202
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Physics & Astronomy Department
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Tressena Manning