The Document
Transcription of Recommendations

WHEREAS it is represented to Us the Subscribers that the Reverend Eleazar Wheelock, Doctor in Divinity, did, in the year 1754, erect Moor's Indian Charity School at Lebanon, in the State of Connecticut, for the design of civilizing instructing and christianizing the Natives and other Inhabitants of the uncultivated parts of North America:

That the said School now, at an early period, of extensive utility, and favored with the friendship and influence of some of the most eminent characters in this land; and with the liberal benefactions from the charitable and well disposed:

That when the prospect continued to enlarge, and resources became inadequate to the necessary supplies for the School, its support was recommended to the benevolence of the Inhabitants of Great Britain by several governors and others of elevated stations; in consequence of which, upon application made by the Reverend Dr. Nathaniel Whitaker together with the Reverend Samson Occom, King George the Third displayed his munifence, and many of his subjects in England and Scotland followed by example:

That the credit and support of the said Seminary might be secured, Trustees were appointed by the benefactors of the School in that Island. -- The Right Honorable William Earl of Dartmouth, Sir Rodney Safford Smythe, Sir Charles Hotham, and six other respectable persons compound their Board:

That the Society increasing and promising most extensive usefulness , the said King, in the year 1771 [sic, the charter was granted in 1769] endowed it with a charter, incorporating the said School with Dartmouth College and conferring rights and immunities equal to those of any university within that realm.

That the said Institution has, since its first erection greatly flourished under the direction of the said Eleazar Wheelock, the Founder and President of the same, even during our national struggles, notwithstanding the many embarrassments, that have attended its peculiar situation:

That since his decease, the same has been successfully carried on by his son, the Honorable John Wheelock, appointed by him, in this last Will and Testament, agreeable to charter, and by the same invested with similar powers and priviledges:

That the establishment is intended in the first place, for the liberal purposes of civilizing the wild, wandering Tribes of Indians in North America, and next for promoting religion, virtue, and literature among people of all denominations:

That, it being unconfined to religious sect, or political party, and situated in a country, which enjoys the easiest and most extensive communication, and lies contiguous to Canada, different nations may receive advantage from the Institution:

That, in order to facilitate the friendly intercourse and commerce, which it ought to be the wish of every principled American to cultivate, and leave open to the latest posterity, between these United States and the French nation, to which we are under the greatest Obligations for their alliance and generous co-operation it is intended to instruct the Students under the establishment in the French language:

That, although the said Institution be endowed with a large tract of land, no support, adequate to such extensive designs can be now obtained without incurring expences, which it funds cannot afford; all supplies from Great Britain being wholly stopped since her commencement of hostilities:

That the American States might have effectually assisted this Seminary, had not their benefactions been with-held by the immense load of their national debt, the sinking of which must be considerably retarded by the wanton ravages of the enemy; and that the attention of the opulent, public spirited, and generous men in these States is diverted towards their ruined relatives and other Objects, more immediately intitled to their assistance.

Such being the representation of the insuperable difficulties, which that respectable Institution labors under in its present situation; and it being supported by authentic Vouchers, -- We can but view the design as laudable, and deserving particular encouragement, not only form the good people of these confederated States, but likewise the benevolent and genreous Potentates and Nations of Europe, who are or may be allied with them: -- We do, therefore, very sincerely and cheerfully recommend the honourable John Wheelock Esquire President of sd College & School as agent; and the aforesaid design, which is the Object of the trust reposed in him, to the pious and benevolent assistance of the friends to Man, in the dominions of his most Christian Majesty, the Virtuous Ally of the United States, and of such others of the European powers whose aid may solicit.

The signatures on the document are those of:

[Left (first) column:]

Wm Moore President of the State of Pennsylvania
Wm Dickinson President of Delaware State 15th December 1781
Wil: Livingston Governor of the State of New Jersey
Jonth Trumbull Governor of the State of Connecticut Jan. 9th 1782
Geo: Atkinson Pres of the Convention in the New Hamp Sate Sept 28 1782

[Second column]

G Washington 13th Dec 1781
B Lincoln Secretary at War to the United States
Rob Morris Sup Intendent of the Finances of the United States of N. America
Rob Livingston Chancellor of the State of New York & Secretary of the United States for foreign affairs
Stirling, Major General in the Army of the United States

[Third Column]

W. Houston
Abra Clark--Delegates in Congress for the State of New Jersey
Silas Condict
Jos Montgomery
Geo Cylmer--Delegates in Congress for the State of Pennsylvania
Henry Wynkoop
Dan Carrol -- Delegate in Congress for the State of Maryland
Jose Jones -- [Delegate in Congress for the State of Virginia]
Edwd. Telfair
N. Jones--Delegates in Congress for the State of Georgia
John Mathews
Arthur Middleton
Ns. Eveleigh--Delegates in Congress for the State of So. Carolina
Tho Bee
Isaac Mott
Moses Hazen-- Brigr. Gen. in the Army of the United States

[Fourth Column]

John Hanson--a Delegate in Congress for the State of Maryland and President of Congress
Tho McKean--L.L.D. Chief Justice, and a Trustee of the University of Pennsylvania, a Delegate to Congress from the State of Delaware, and late President of Congress
Samuel Livermore-- Member of the Congress for Newhampshire
James Lovell
Geo Partridge-- Members of Congress for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Samuel Osgood
William Ellery
Ezekiell Cornell-- Members of Congress for the State Rhode Island and Providence- Plantations
Rich Law-- Member of Congress from the State of Connecticut
Wm. Floyd-- Member of Congress from New York
Edm: Randolph-- [Delegate in the Congress for the State of Virginia]
Novemr. 9th 1782 -- Sam. Huntingdon late President of Congress.
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Last Updated: 4/19/17