Office of the Registrar
Dartmouth College
Office of the Registrar
6014 McNutt Hall
Hanover, NH 03755-3541
Phone: (603) 646-2246
Fax: (603) 646-2247
Email: registrar@Dartmouth.EDU
Spring 2013 Term Calendar
To view a 2013 yearly calendar for reference purposes, see below or click here.
- March 24-March 27 Spring term on-line check-in. Wednesday March 27 at 11:59 p.m. is the deadline to complete check-in without a $50 late registration fee
- March 25 Spring term classes begin
- March 25-March 31 First week of schedule adjustment. Permission to add is not necessary unless normally required
- March 29 Deadline for spring term prospective graduates in residence to elect or change a major or minor
- April 1 Deadline for submission of degree applications by prospective June graduates who were not in residence during the winter term
- April 1-7 Second week of schedule adjustment. All courses require Instructor permission in order to add courses
- April 2 Final day for delayed check-in (with $50 late fee). Any student not checked-in by the end of this day, but still listed with the enrollment pattern letter R (Residence) for the spring term is liable for administrative withdrawal
- April 3 Final day for sophomores to file major cards at the Office of the Registrar and, if appropriate, revised enrollment pattern requests
- April 7 Final day for each undergraduate to establish official and final two-, three-, or four-course load. Any registered student not officially enrolled in at least two courses becomes liable for administrative withdrawal. If dropping a fourth course after this date, one of three eligibilities for a fourth course without extra tuition is exhausted by such action
- April 8 Deadline to file completed transfer term applications for summer term 2013 and fall term 2013
- April 9 Final day for electing use of the Non-Recording Option (NRO)
- April 12 Final day for first-year students to submit enrollment patterns
- April 19 Course Timetable available for summer term
- April 22 Enrollment Census
- April 24-May 2 Summer term course election period
- April 29 Final day for students to change their enrollment pattern for summer and/or fall term from an R (for Residence) without incurring a charge of one hundred ($100) dollars and to be eligible for on-time college housing assignment
- April 29 Mid-term grade reports due for specified undergraduates
- April 29 - May 9 Room draw for fall term housing
- May 2 Final day of summer term course election period
- May 3 Course Timetable available for fall term
- May 3 Final day for dropping a fourth course without a grade notation of "W" ends at 4:00 p.m. (Acknowledgment of instructor required. One of three eligibilities for a fourth course without extra tuition is exhausted by such action after April 5.)
- May 8-16 Fall term course election period
- May 9-31 Summer term course change period
- May 10 Summer term housing applications due
- May 10 Interim housing applications due for the break between spring and summer 2013
- May 14 Final day to withdraw from a course ends at 4:00 p.m. Any later request to withdraw from a course requires petition to a special committee
- May 16 Final day of fall term course election period
- May 22 Final day to alter grade limit filed under the Non-Recording Option (NRO)
- May 22 Last day in term for holding a major test or examination
- May 23-31 Fall term course change period
- May 27 Memorial Day Holiday; first day of Pre-Examination Break
- May 28-May 29 Final two days of class of spring term
- May 29 Spring term classes end at 5:20 p.m.
- May 30 Second day of Pre-Examination Break
- May 31 Final day, prior to the start of summer term classes, for making changes in summer and fall term course elections
- May 31 Final examination period begin
- June 3 Scheduled Final examinations end
- June 4 Final examination period ends
- June 8 Class Day
- June 9 Commencement
- June 14 Grades and medians available on the web
2013 Calendar
Click calendar to enlarge
![2013 Calendar](/reg/images/2013_yearly_calendar.gif)