Dartmouth College
Office of the Registrar
6014 McNutt Hall
Hanover, NH 03755-3541
Transfer TermsTransfer Terms are when a student takes an Off term and independently seeks out an alternate program offered by another institution with the intent to transfer credit to their Dartmouth record. The Committee on Instruction (COI) is charged with the oversight of transfer terms and the Office of the Registrar administers the transfer term applications on their behalf.
Research PossibilitiesTalk with advisors and faculty members in the relevant departments/programs. Review online resources provided by other institutions and programs. Potentially Acceptable Programs and Undergraduate CoursesTransfer term applications to any program/institution at which there is a Dartmouth program (FSP, LSA, LSA+, exchange) being offered for that term will not be considered. A list of Dartmouth program offerings can be found here. Students may consider a transfer term at those institutions when no Dartmouth program is offered. Courses offered by accredited degree-granting institutions are potentially acceptable for transfer credit provided the courses are an integral part of an officially defined undergraduate Arts and Sciences curriculum; online courses, those given by extension programs, or internship programs are not transferable. Students should be aware that some departments and programs have restrictive policies toward transfer credit. Each course must meet the required thirty contact hours for transfer. See Off-Campus Activities in the ORC/Catalog. It is the responsibility of each student to provide the needed information about the program and courses by the required deadline. Incomplete applications are not reviewed. Transfer Term Application Deadlines
Documents Needed to Complete the Online Transfer Term Applications
Select The Appropriate Online Transfer Term Application BelowWhen You Complete Your ProgramRequest your transfer term institution send your official transcript to the Dartmouth Registrar's Office. They can send a link to an official e-transcript to registrar@dartmouth.edu, or mail your official transcript to: Office of the Registrar Dartmouth College 6014 McNutt Hall Hanover, NH 03755-3541 Once the Registrar’s Office receives your official transcript, they will evaluate it alongside your transfer credit approval form. All eligible credits will be awarded to your Dartmouth transcript, and they will notify you by email. |
FAQWhat if I want to study somewhere else and do not want to transfer the credits? You may take an off/leave term and study at another institution without the intent to transfer back any credit. You can do this option without the approval during a leave term. Remember, however, that you may not retroactively transfer the credit back to Dartmouth. If I submit my transfer term application prior to the deadline, when will it be reviewed? Complete applications may be submitted prior and up to the stated deadline will be reviewed on a rolling basis. The expected time for review of applications as received is two weeks to four weeks. The Registrar’s Office has not notified me of the outcome of my transfer term application, and I have to make a deposit or accept my participation at the other institution's program. What should I do? Regretfully, deadlines for other institution's applications or payments might not line up with Dartmouth transfer term deadlines. Therefore, you may need to accept your participation at the transfer institution or make a deposit, and risk losing it, before you know the decision about your application. I missed the deadline to submit my transfer term application. What should I do? You may contact the Registrar’s Office at Registrar@Dartmouth.edu however, only in extremely extenuating circumstances are students allowed to petition to apply late for a transfer term. For example, if they were unable to graduate due to a failing grade and then needed to take an additional course summer term so that they could finish their degree summer term.
Students may transfer up to four (4) credits to Dartmouth throughout their academic career. Does this limit of four (4) transfer credits include pre-matriculation transfer credits? If I have any of those, can I still apply for a transfer term? Yes, you can still apply, although the limit of four (4) transfer credits includes all credits earned from pre-matriculation, Exchange programs, and transfer terms. Therefore, you may transfer back to Dartmouth only those credits that keep you within the limit of four (4) transfer credits total on your record. Can I fulfill my language requirement with transfer credit? Transfer credits cannot satisfy Dartmouth’s foreign language requirement. Can I get transfer credit for business courses that are similar to the undergraduate Tuck 1, Tuck 2, or Tuck 3 courses, or for graduate level courses? The COI determined that the transfer of courses equivalent to TUCK 001, 002, 003 is allowed as long as TUCK 001, 002, 003 courses count towards the required 35 credits necessary for the A.B. Degree, and the Tuck school provides a content reviewer for transfer credit. Who at Dartmouth can review and approve my transfer credit equivalencies? Generally, the Chair of the department/program approves transfer credit, however sometimes it is a designee such as a Vice Chair. If you are not sure, contact the appropriate department/program administrator. A faculty member’s signature, however, is required. Where would I find class meeting times and the term calendar for courses at another institution? While each institution may be different, generally this information is available on course syllabi and/or class schedules at the other institution. You may need to contact the Registrar’s Office at your transfer term institution directly to find out the best way to obtain this information. Now that I have faculty signatures for my courses, is my approval form complete? Department/program course approval is only one step in the process. Not all faculty-approved courses meet the eligibility requirements after further evaluation. For example, the course might not meet the minimum contact hour requirement. If this is the case, the Registrar’s Office will contact you. How many students at a time can go on a transfer term to a single institution? The limit of students who may participate in a transfer term to any one institution in the same term is five (5). The transfer term I plan to attend uses the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). How do ECTS points convert to Dartmouth course credit? 7.5 ECTS is equivalent to one (1) course credit at Dartmouth. Find additional information on ECTS on our website. What happens if my transfer term application is approved after the course election period for the term and I had elected courses as a backup plan? The Registrar’s Office will contact you upon notification of your approval to verify your plans before we process your application. The Registrar’s Office will request that you decide by the end of the course change period for that term. Can I apply for financial aid for a transfer term? Dartmouth Financial aid is not available for transfer terms. You may check with a financial aid counselor regarding your situation in the event you may be eligible for loans. The Financial Aid Office may ask you to provide a copy of approved forms. |