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Past CBB talks

Academic year 2024-2025

Grad student organizers: Tommy Botch (Finn lab), Yong Hoon Chung (Stoermer lab), and Zizhuang Miao (Wager lab)

Winter 2025

January 28: Atlas Shahamati (Dartmouth College) - How attention shapes learning: The interplay of endogenous and exogenous attention and Jae Hyung Woo (Dartmouth College) - Population geometry of LPFC underlying dynamic arbitration among mulitple learning systems under uncertainty

February 11: Byeol Kim (Dartmouth College) - Physiological and genetic responses to witnessing animal suffering and Thomas Botch (Dartmouth College) - LLMs don't have ears: Sensory context is essential for language

February 25: Chong (Michael) Wang (Dartmouth College) - Interactions between model-based learning and selective attention in multidimensional environments and Deepasri Prasad (Dartmouth College) - Localizing perception and imagery across category-selective visual areas

Fall 2024

October 1: Benjamin Graul (Dartmouth College) - Expectation effects in the human amygdala: Valence, arousal, and social influence signals during image viewing and Eunhye Choe (Dartmouth College) - Motion perception underlying the double-drift illusion: The role of local motion and vector interaction

October 15: Paxton Fitzpatrick (Dartmouth College) - Davos: a Python package "smuggler for constructing lightweight reproducible notebooks and Yeongji Lee (Dartmouth College) - Predicting conceptual understanding through semantic network structure of a STEM lecture

October 29: Kevin Ortego (Dartmouth College) - Comparing neural mechanisms underlying implicit learning of relevant and irrelevant feature information and Jane Han (Dartmouth College) - Social dynamic understanding in humans watching Monkey Kingdom using representational geometry

November 5: Stephanie Badde (Tufts University) - Perception and action across the senses

Academic year 2023-2024

Grad student organizers: Yong Hoon Chung (Stoermer lab), Clara Sava-Segal (Finn Lab), and Jae Hyung Woo (Soltani lab)

Summer 2024

July 9: Xinming Xu (Dartmouth College) - Why is the past more “knowable” than the future? Yeo Bi (YB) Choi (Dartmouth College) - Retinotopic organization of the visual system in individuals with autism

July 16: Paxton Fitzpatrick (Dartmouth College) - Exploring the geometric and neural structures of experiences and memories. Clara Sava-Segal (Dartmouth College) - Narrative 'twist' shifts neural representations

July 23: Mijin Kwon (Dartmouth College) - Domain-general and selective representations of pain, appetitive processes, aversive processes, and cognitive control in the insula

Spring 2024

March 26: Sam McDougle (Yale University) - Cognitive algorithms for sensorimotor action selection

April 30: Stefano Anzellotti (Boston College) - The functional roles of the ventral and lateral streams in social perception

May 14: Bogdan Petre (Dartmouth College) - Representational geometry, not topography, best characterizes human neural function in transmodal brain areas

Winter 2024

February 6: Megan Hillis (Dartmouth College) - Using biosignals to predict cognitive load in an adaptive learning task

February 13: Michael Wang (Dartmouth College) - Network mechanisms underlying value-based attention in multidimensional reward learning. Mert Ozkan (Dartmouth College) - Flexible allocation of feature-based attention to narrow and broad ranges of colors as assessed by steady-state visual evoked potentials

February 20: Jae Hyung Woo (Dartmouth College) - Behavioral and neural evidence for dynamic model arbitration among multiple learning systems under uncertainty. Tommy Botch (Dartmouth College) - Naturalistic "dark matter": Inter-subject correlations persist after regressing stimulus features

February 27: Jane Han (Dartmouth College) - Representational geometry of action understanding in humans and nonhuman primates. Anna Mynick (Dartmouth College) - Predictive processing of upcoming scene views in immersive environments: evidence from continuous flash suppression

March 12:  Chris Niemczak (Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth) - The central auditory system: A window into neurocognitive function

Fall 2023

September 19: Caroline Robertson (Dartmouth College) - What is retinotopy doing in memory areas of the brain?

October 3: Mary Kieseler (Duchaine lab, Dartmouth College) - Tracking the emergence of hyperfamiliarity for faces: Lengthy covert discrimination followed by hyperfamiliarity due to disrupted post-perceptual processes and Nate Heller (Tse lab, Dartmouth College) - Indexing proneness to visual hallucinations with high-confidence false-alarm rates

October 17: Lorella Battelli (Harvard University) - Unraveling the Human Visual & Attention System with Neuromodulation

October 31: Yong Hoon Chung (Dartmouth College) - Object categories and color working memory

November 7: Juliet Davidow (Northeastern University) - Adolescent learning and goal-directed behavior

November 14: Kevin Ortego (Dartmouth College) - Fun with continuous psychophysics and ensemble perception and Byeol Kim Lux (Dartmouth College) - Physiological insights into empathy: Neurobiological responses to witnessing animal suffering and connection

Academic year 2022-2023

Grad student organizers: AJ Haskins (Robertson lab), Clara Sava-Segal (Finn lab), Jae Hyung Woo (Soltani lab)

Spring 2023

March 27: Heejung Jung (Dartmouth College) - Cue expectancy effects across somatic pain, vicarious pain, and cognitive effort

April 10: Clara Sava-Segal (Dartmouth College) and Alexis Kidder ( Dartmouth College) - Evidence for independent representations of facial features from mouth-specific distortions in prosopometamorphopsia

April 24: Sam Ling (Boston University) - Attention alters population spatial frequency tuning in human visual cortex

May 8: Maureen Ritchey (Boston College)

May 15: Sharif Saleki (Dartmouth College) - Transformational apparent motion in a recurrent neural network and Mijin Kwon (Dartmouth College) - What can brain signatures tell us?

June 5: Nate Heller (Dartmouth College) - Stroboscopic stimulation models the neural basis of hallucinations: evidence from E/I balance, neural complexity, and alpha power modulation and Anna Mynick (Dartmouth College) - Examining the role of spatial reference frames on visual memory in immersive, real-world environments


Winter 2023

Jan 9: Yong Hoon Chung (Dartmouth College) - Meaningful objects are privileged in working memory: better identity incidental memory of recognizable relative to unrecognizable objects and Rekha Varrier (Dartmouth College) - What makes something "social"? A study of shared thresholds and individual differences

Jan 30: Mert Ozkan (Dartmouth College) - Multifocal attention within a single hemifield results in broad tuning of attention across relevant and irrelevant locations and Bogdan Petre (Dartmouth College) - Resting state fMRI hyperalignment reveals a generalizable fine scale structure of evoked cortical response to noxious stimuli

Feb 13: Laura Lewis (Boston University) - Fast multimodal imaging of brain dynamics underlying sleep and wakefulness

Feb 27: Jane Han (Dartmouth College) - Representational geometry of action understanding with naturalistic stimuli and Megan Hillis (Dartmouth College) - Decoding knowledge of newly-learned language from neural representations of semantic meaning

March 13: Freddy Kamps (MIT) - Functional organization and development of visual represetntations of the local navigable space

Fall 2022

Sep 19: Introduction data blitz (all cognitive graduate students)

Oct 3: Adam Steel (Dartmouth College) - Vision upside-down: A retinotopic reference frame structures perceptual-mnemonic interactions

Oct 17: Jae Hyung Woo (Dartmouth College) - Long-term regularities of reward environment impact learning and choice in mice and monkeys and Jamal Williams (Dartmouth College) - What you see is what you hear: Sounds alter the contents of visual perception

Oct 31: Chandramouli Chandrasekaran (Boston University) - Distinct neural population dynamics in dorsal premotor and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex underlying perceptual decisions

Nov 17: Rotem Botvinik-Nezer (Dartmouth College) - The power of beliefs: Belief dynamics and how they affect mental and physiological processes

Nov 21: Joseph McGuire (Boston University) - Adaptive representations of value and surprise in human decision making

Academic year 2021-2022

Grad student organizers: AJ Haskins (Robertson lab), Nathan Heller (Tse lab), and Mary Kieseler (Duchaine lab)

Spring 2022

March 28: YB Choi (Dartmouth College) - The transition from “cyclopean” image to rivalrous percept

April 4: Biyu He (NYU) - Predictive mechanisms in perception

April 18: Anna Mynick (Dartmouth College) - Memory-based predictions across head-turns in naturalistic scene perception

May 2: Mert Ozkan (Dartmouth College) - The spotlight of multifocal attention: Split or spread? and Heejung Jung (Dartmouth College) - Neural representation of expectations on somatic pain, vicarious pain, and cognitive effort

May 23: AJ Haskins (Dartmouth College) - "Semantic Fingerprints”: Patterns of visual information-seeking are reliable and individuating and  Mary Kieseler (Dartmouth College) - Nell - A case of hyperfamiliarity for faces

June 6: Sharif Saleki (Dartmouth College) - Saccadic localization of illusory position

Winter 2022

Jan 31: Doug Addleman (Dartmouth College) - Enhancement and suppression of visual features by selective attention: Differential effects of voluntary and learned attention

Feb 7: Rachel Denison (Boston University) - Attending across time

March 7: Angela Radulescu (NYU) - Towards naturalistic reinforcement learning in health and disease

March 14: Megan Hillis (Dartmouth College) - Overlapping semantic representations of sign and speech in novice sign language learners

March 22: Tom Donoghue (Columbia University) - Separating periodic and aperiodic activity to investigate physiology, cognition, and disease

Fall 2021

Oct 18: Yong Hoon Chung (Dartmouth College) - Better memory for simple features when embedded in naturalistic objects

Oct 25: Jesse Gomez (Princeton Neuroscience Institute) - Brain development in visual cortex and beyond

Nov 1: Xinming Xu (Dartmouth College) - Temporal asymmetry in retrodicting and predicting narrative events

Nov 15: Marvin Maechler (Dartmouth College) - Are the attention response functions of the left and right hemispheres independent or not? and Nathan Heller (Dartmouth College) - Neural correlates of intentional perception

Dec 6: Stephan Meylan (MIT) - Child-directed listening: How caregivers' cognitive processes enable children’s early verbal communication

Academic year 2020-2021

Spring 2021

April 15: Heejung Jung (Dartmouth College) and Mohsen Rakshan (Dartmouth College) - Causal Contribution of Frontal Eye Field to Adaptive Target Selection

April 29: John Serences (UC San Diego) - Efficient coding and read-out in visual perception

May 13: AJ Haskins (Dartmouth College) - Reduced social attention in autism is modulated by environmental complexity and Marvin Maechler (Dartmouth College) - Smooth pursuit over perceived not retinotopic positions of the double-drift stimulus

May 27: Leyla Isik (Johns Hopkins University) - The neural basis of social interaction perception

June 10: Mert Ozkan (Dartmouth College) - Different spatial transfer of high-level and low-level priming of pop-out with the double-drift illusion and Sharif Saleki (Dartmouth College) - Neural correlates of learning strategies in non-generalizable multi-dimensional environments

June 17: Nathan Heller (Dartmouth College) - Superposition of ambiguous percepts during passive and volitional perception and Kirsten Ziman (Dartmouth College) - Unexpected false feelings of familiarity about faces are associated with increased pupil dilations

Winter 2021

Jan 14: Jason Samaha (UC Santa Cruz) - Spontaneous brain oscillations and perceptual decision making

Feb 11: Mary Kieseler (Dartmouth College) - Lasting faceblindness due to COVID-19 and Daniel Stehr (Dartmouth College) - Experimental and statistical approaches that improve multivariate pattern classification in rapid event-related fMRI designs

Feb 25: Manish Saggar (Stanford University) - Characterizing brain dynamics at rest and while interacting with others using topological data analysis

March 11: Yael Niv (Princeton University) - Carving the world into useful task representations

Fall 2020

Sep 24: Graduate student data blitz

Oct 8: Doug Addelman (Dartmouth College) - Characterizing conscious and unconscious guidance of spatial attention

Oct 22: Mark Lescroart (University of Nevada, Reno) - Body representations in the brain and bodies in natural visual experience

Nov 5: Mehran Moradi (Dartmouth College) - A neural dynamic approach to study the functional organization of the brain and learning

Nov 19: Jiahui Guo (Dartmouth College) - Predicting individual face-selective topography using naturalistic stimuli and Lauren Williams (Dartmouth College) - The invisible breast cancer: Experience does not protect against inattentional blindness to clinically-relevant findings in radiology

Dec 3: Ruth Rosenholtz (MIT) - Capacity limits and how the visual system copes with them

Academic year 2019-2020

Spring 2020

May 7: Marvin Maechler (Dartmouth College) - Attentional tracking takes place over perceived rather than physical locations and Lucy Owen (Dartmouth College) - What is the dimensionality of human thought?"

May 21: Sarah Herald (Dartmouth College) - How are faces represented in the visual areas?

June 4: Kirsten Ziman (Dartmouth College) and Heejung Jung (Dartmouth College)

June 12: Mary Kieseler (Dartmouth College)

Winter 2020

Jan 30:  Rotem Botvinik-Nezer (Dartmouth College) - Variability in the analysis of a single fMRI dataset by many teams

Feb 13: Tommy Botch (Dartmouth College) - How colorful is visual experience? Evidence from gaze-contingent virtual reality"

Feb 20: Giancarlo La Camera (Stonybrook University) - Cortical computations via metastable activity"

Feb 27: Mohsen Rakhshan (Dartmouth College) - Neural substrate underlying computations of volatility and adaptive learning in a complex environment and Bogdan Petre (Dartmouth College) - Evoked pain intensity representation is distributed throughout the brain

Fall 2019

Sep 19: Graduate student data blitz

Oct 17: Mehran Moradi (Dartmouth College) - Multiple timescales of neural dynamics and integration of task-relevant signals across cortex

Oct 31: Mariam Aly (Columbia University) - How hippocampal memory shapes, and is shaped by, attention

Nov 7: Ratan Murty (MIT) - Is visual experience necessary for the development of face selectivity in the lateral fusiform gyrus

Nov 21: AJ Haskins (Dartmouth College) - Active vision in immersive, 360° real-world environments: Methods and applications

Spring 2019

April 10: Shih-Wei Wu (National Yang-Ming University) - Probability estimation and its neurocomputational substrates

April 18: Sarah Herald (Dartmouth College) - What is the role of left-hemisphere face areas?

May 2: Vassiki Chauhan (Dartmouth College)

May 23: Kay Alfred (Dartmouth College) and Shiva Ghaanifarashahi (Dartmouth College)

May 30: Malinda McPherson (Harvard University) - Multiple pitch mechanisms in music and speech perception

Winter 2019

Feb 21: Sarah Oh (Dartmouth College)

March 14: Jonathan Freeman (NYU) - More than meets the eye: Split-second social perception

March 21: Lucy Owen (Dartmouth College) - Decrypting the neural code