
Raise a Concern

What should I do if I have a concern related to research compliance and how should I report a concern?

Dartmouth encourages you to speak up if you believe that you may have observed unethical, illegal or suspicious behavior. If you have a question or a concern related to research compliance you are encouraged to discuss the matter with your immediate supervisor.

If you are not comfortable with this path, or you are not satisfied with the response, you may contact the responsible Dean, the Office of Human Resources, the Research Compliance Officer or the Vice Provost for Research.

You also have the option to submit an anonymous complaint through the Dartmouth Integrity Helpline. The hotline is operated by a third-party vendor to ensure that issues raised are addressed and that all individuals can freely ask questions and raise concerns without fear of retaliation.

Dartmouth Integrity Helpline FAQ's

Examples of concerns:

  • You believe you are being told to charge something in an incorrect way.
  • You are concerned that a certain course of action may result in a violation of the law.
  • You are concerned that someone may have engaged in deception or knowing misrepresentation in the proposing, performing, or reporting of research, including the fabrication of evidence or the falsification of data.
  • You are concerned that someone may have a conflict-of-interest situation which is not disclosed or addressed appropriately.
  • You are concerned that someone may not be dealing with proprietary information appropriately.
  • You are just not sure what to do regarding a potential compliance issue.

What happens when a report is made?

Reports alleging research misconduct will activate the Dartmouth Research Misconduct Policy. All other allegations of wrongdoing will be investigated by the appropriate administrative body.

