RAPPORT is a web-based integrated research administration system for management of submissions and correspondence with CPHS. CPHS no longer accepts any submissions via email, fax, or Hinman. RAPPORT must be used for all submissions, including initial applications, renewals, revisions, SAEs, protocol deviations, etc.
RAPPORT requires users to have a NetID and password to login.
How Do I Add a Study Team Member to RAPPORT?
CPHS provides Guidance to educate researchers about RAPPORT.
o CPHS Protocol Plus: Supplemental document for studies with an existing protocol document
o Closure: Termination of a study that no longer requires CPHS review
o Continuing Review: Renewal of the study approval
o Data or Specimens Research Plan: updated version of the Research Use of Information or Specimens Form
o Disapproval: The Committee decided not to approve the study or modification to a study, or that substantive revisions are required prior to approval.
o Lapse: Suspension for non-renewal
o Modification: Revision, Prospective Protocol Deviation, Eligibility Exception Request, any prospective change to the study or study materials
o Modifications Required to Secure Approval (MRSA): Specific Minor Revisions required (SMR) to obtain approval
o Reportable New Information: Protocol Deviations, Serious Adverse Events, and Unanticipated Problems
o SmartForm: The 8 – 12 data entry screens within RAPPORT
o Study Workspace: The workspace provides access to the study's Smartforms, history and documents as well as task options on the left side. The Modification/CR button allows you to create follow-on submissions like revisions or renewals Other buttons allow you to assign a primary contact, assign a PI Proxy, and manage Ancillary Reviews
o Suspension: When IRB approval is suspended for reason other than a lapse of approval
o Termination: When IRB approval is terminated for cause
Other Announcements
- Visit the CPHS FAQ page for many common questions about RAPPORT.
- CPHS has modified many forms in order to eliminate duplicate entry from what is already covered in RAPPORT.
- Please contact CPHS@dartmouth.edu if you have any questions regarding RAPPORT.