Enrollment/Waitlist FAQ
Having a child on a waitlist or multiple waitlists can be stressful. Here are the D4C answers to a few questions that you may have.
What is your best advice about finding childcare in the Upper Valley?
- Start early. Start looking for childcare before your child is born, before adoption or fostering and/or before moving to the area.
- Do your homework, consider the different options for childcare that are available:
- Other licensed programs
- Home childcare
- Nanny
- Au Pair
- Information about nanny and au pair agencies can be found here.
- Visit a variety of programs and assess the fit for your family. Some programs follow a specific curricular model (Montessori, Reggio Inspired, High Scope, Faith Based, etc.) and others do not.
- Use websites to gain more information
- NH Connections is a good resource for information about different types of childcare. Information can be found at https://www.nh-connections.org/families/types-of-child-care.
- The Early Care and Education Association offers resources and highlights available childcare spaces in the Upper Valley area. https://eceauv.org/finding-childcare-in-the-upper-valley/
Should I be on more than one waitlist?
Absolutely, visit as many programs as you are interested in using and get on as many lists as you can. Being on a waitlist does not commit you to taking a space if offered. Not being on waitlists takes your options away in the future.
Who can be on the D4C waitlist?
Anyone who is employed by Dartmouth College (or is considering a position) and is eligible for Dartmouth employee benefits.
Do faculty have priority on the waitlist?
No, we contact people on the waitlist in the order that they submitted their initial application regardless of their role in the College.
Do families with children already enrolled get priority for a new baby?
No, current families are placed on the waitlist in the same manner as all other Dartmouth faculty and staff.
Do families who are currently enrolled need to complete the application form for a new baby?
Do I have to pay to get on the waitlist?
No, we do not charge a fee to be on the waitlist.
When can I get on the waitlist?
As soon as you know that you are pregnant or expecting to adopt or foster a child.
Can I be on the waitlist if I am not a Dartmouth College employee?
No, our services are only for Dartmouth employees.
However, if you are considering an offer from Dartmouth, you may get on the waitlist before accepting the position.
Is my foster child eligible for enrollment at D4C?
Yes, if you are a Dartmouth College employee.
How does your waitlist work?
Our waitlist is a first come, first served waitlist arranged by age of child. On the date an application is received the child's name will be entered on a waitlist and families will receive confirmation that the child is on the waitlist.
When we have an opening, we look at the list of the children in the available age group and contact people based on the date of their initial application. An example: a child leaves in the Badger Room making a space available for a three year old child. We look at our list of children who are age eligible for that classroom and begin contacting people in the order that we received their application. We would not contact families of children who are not 3 years old even if their applications were received earlier.
How do I get on the waitlist?
You can fill out an enrollment application on our website at https://www.dartmouth.edu/dcccc/enroll/form.html
How long of a wait will it be?
It is hard to say. We do our primary enrollment for September of each year, enrolling primarily infants. The more flexible you are with the number of days that you need, and which days would work for you, the more likely it is to get a space. We do make changes for currently enrolled families before going to the waitlist. So, if you accept a two-day space to start with, you may have the option to add more days later if they become available.
Can I enroll my child for fewer than 5 days?
Yes, we frequently have children who attend for fewer than five days a week. You can request whatever days work best for your schedule and we do our best to make all the puzzle pieces fit to accommodate as many as possible. If we don’t have the exact days that you request available, we will still contact you to let you know what we have available, and you can decide if that works for you. For example, if you request Monday and Thursday, and we have Monday and Friday available, we will contact you to see if you have flexibility or if we should move on to the next person on the waitlist.
Is there a minimum number of days that my child can be enrolled?
Yes, we have a two-day minimum.
Can I enroll for a flexible part-time schedule like any three days, and I choose the days weekly?
No. Schedules are firm and can only be altered by discussing with classroom staff and the office manager who creates the enrollment schedule.
Can I enroll my child for half-days?
No, we do not have a half-day option. You can drop off or pick up your child at any time, but you will still pay for the full day.
If I call you, can you tell me where I am on the waitlist?
No, we can only confirm that you are on the waitlist. Because our waitlist is organized by age, it changes frequently as children age up from one list to another.
If I get an offer from another center, will you tell me if you are about to make me an offer?
We can say, “It’s not likely,” or “It’s possible” but we can’t give you a guaranteed answer.
When do you call to let me know that there is a space available?
We typically begin our fall enrollment in March/April starting with currently enrolled children and then moving to the waitlist.
Can I save a spot for mid-year?
The only way to save a mid-year space is to pay for the space from the time that it becomes available.
How do I secure a space for my child when you have contacted me?
Your child will be considered enrolled as soon as we receive your deposit.
Can you tell me more about the deposit?
In order to secure a space, you must submit a deposit in the amount of $100 per day of enrollment.
- 2 days = $200
- 3 days = $300
- 4 days = $400
- 5 days = $500
Your deposit is non-refundable and is credited to your first month’s tuition.
How is tuition determined?
Tuition is based on your annual gross family income. You will complete a form for verification and provide documents that verify your entry in the form. If you are self-declaring that your gross family income is more than $200,000 annually, verifying documentation is not required.
Will I pay the full tuition listed on the fee scale regardless of how many days my child is enrolled for?
No, tuition is prorated for part-time schedules.
- 2 days = 40%
- 3 days = 60%
- 4 days = 80%
What is an imputed income tax?
Because we are viewed and funded as a benefit, the College must report any contribution that they make as imputed income which is taxable. To determine the amount of money that will be subject to this tax, subtract the amount of your tuition from the tuition in the top category of the scale.
Do you offer discounts for multiple children?
If you have more than one child in child care, you are eligible for a deduction from your income of up to $10,000 for household incomes of $50,000 or more, and by $5,000 for household incomes below $50,000 for each additional dependent child in full-time pre-school child care.
Do you have scholarships available?
The short answer is no. We do have a sliding fee scale that is based on the combined gross income of the family. And we do accept children who receive the NH Child Care Scholarship. More information about this program is available at https://www.nh-connections.org/families/child-care-scholarship/ .
Are we charged for days that you are closed or when my child doesn’t attend due to vacation or illness?
Yes, your tuition is based on enrollment not attendance. We base our tuition rate on the premise that we will be closed for eight holidays, four professional development days, and winter break. More information about our specific closure dates can be found at https://www.dartmouth.edu/dcccc/closuredates.html
What do I do if I will be teaching/working elsewhere for a semester and take my child with me?
This is a complicated one. The only way to “save” a spot is to continue paying for it but here are some other things to know.
- There are times when we can sublet some of your days to other currently enrolled families who want to pick up some extra days.
- During the summer months (June, July, and August), you may hold your space for half-tuition if the absence is for 4 consecutive weeks or longer completely within those months.
- Some departments are willing to pay your tuition while you are away; it doesn’t hurt to check with your department.
Can I sublet my space on my own?
No, subletting can only be done through the DCCCC office.