Links and Resources
For additional resources to help you cope with COVID-19, visit the Wellness at Dartmouth website here.
Topics of Interest
Creating and Sustaining Civility
How to get along with family, friends, coworkers and neighbors who see things differently.
Election Year Politics: Protocols for Office Talk

US Department of Health and Human Services
US DHHS Aging Great resources and links on numerous aging topics: tips for staying active, healthy nutrition, medical services and elder care.
American Psychological Association
Coping with Stress and Anxiety
Addressing Mental Health Needs of Older Adults
NH Aging: Bureau of Elderly and Adult Services
Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, Aging Resource Center
Agency of Human Services, Vermont Department of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living, Adult Services Division - This site provides links to VT services and resources regarding care tips and additional aging links.
Age Well - Nonprofit serving Northwestern Vermont. Provides services to individuals 60+ and their caregivers, regardless of financial status. Helpline: 1-800-642-5119

National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) - Definition, symptoms, treatment options and links to additional resources.
ADAA, Anxiety and Depression Association of America - Resources on topics related to depression and anxiety and how and where to find help.
Dartmouth Hitchcock has numerous services, clinical trials, treatment programs and fact sheets addressing depression concerns.
Find out more...
Burns, D. D. M.D. (2008). Feeling good: The new mood therapy (reprint). New York, NY: Harper. |

National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Mental Health - Lead federal agency for research on mental disorders. NIMH is one of the 27 Institutes and Centers that make up the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the nation's medical research agency. NIH is part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
ADDA - Attention Deficit Disorders Association
CDC/ADHD - Center for Disease Control and Prevention information site on ADHD. Provides fact sheets, strategies and statistics.
Autism Speaks - Clearinghouse for autism resources, as well as, advocacy efforts on behalf of individuals with autism.
PICNH - Parent Information Center of NH - Statewide family organization which strives to achieve positive outcomes for children and youth, with a focus on those with disabilities and special healthcare needs. This is achieved through its partnerships with families, educators, youth, professionals and organizations. They address a variety of key issues in order to help parents support their children's success in school and in life.
NH DHHS - Department of Health and Human Services - Support Services and Resources for people with disabilities.
Vermont Family Network - The Vermont Parent Information Center (VPIC) is a statewide network of support and information for families who have a child with special needs or disabilities, and the professionals who work with them. Offer workshops, information and support on a variety of topics: Advocacy and Leadership, Disabilities or Special Health Needs, Early Childhood Development, Family Engagement, General and Special Education, Health Care Access, Mental Health, Transition to Adulthood
DDS - Disability Determination Services, VT Department for Children and Families - Their mission is to foster the healthy development, safety, well-being and self-sufficiency of Vermonters.
DDAS - Division of Disability and Aging Services, Department of Disabilities, Aging & Independent Living - The Division of Disability and Aging Services supports older Vermonters and Vermonters with disabilities to live as they choose, pursuing their individual goals and preferences within their chosen communities.
Domestic Violence and Abuse

NCADV - National Coalition Against Domestic Violence - Anonymous, confidential 24 hour hotline: 1.800.799.SAFE (7233) 1.800.787.3224 (TTY) - Website provides strategies, ways to get help, statistics and resources.
WISE of the Upper Valley - Twenty-four hour, 365 days a year hotline: 1-866-348-WISE (9473) - Crisis support, advocacy and prevention for domestic violence, stalking and sexual assault. WISE leads the Upper Valley to end gender-based violence through survivor-centered advocacy, prevention, education and mobilization for social change. WISE provides support to victims/survivors of sexual violence, domestic violence and stalking regardless of gender or gender identity/expression, age, health status (including HIV-positive), physical, mental or emotional ability, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, race, national origin, immigration status, or religious or political affiliation.
Emotional Resilience and Self-Improvement

Emotional Intelligence
Why is Emotional Intelligence Important? - Emotional IQ and You from University of Maryland, Robert H. Smith School of Business
Emotional Intelligence Test - Global Leadership Foundation - Free Emotional Intelligence Test
Improving Emotional Intelligence - Improving Emotional Intelligence (EQ): Key Skills for Managing Your Emotions and Improving Your Relationships from
Explore Your Creative Side - AVA Gallery and Art Center - Alliance for the Visual Art, 11 Bank Street, Lebanon, NH AVA Gallery and Art Center (Alliance for the Visual Arts) is dedicated to promoting the visual arts through exhibitions and educational programs that nurture, support and challenge New England artists, and to providing art classes for children, teens and adults of all levels and abilities.
Be Patient and Let Go -, Developing Detachment and Forming a Healthy Self-Image by Raquel Villarreal
Stop Being Passive-Aggressive -, How to Eliminate Passive Aggressiveness by Raquel Villarreal
How to Advocate for You! - Center for Parent Information and Resources Priority | Best Practices in Self-Advocacy Skill Building
The Balance Play Well With Others: Develop Effective Work Relationships By Susan M. Heathfield. Updated October 17, 2016
US Department of Labor Activities and Resources
Encouraging Enthusiasm and Positive Attitudes in the Workplace
Problem Solving and Critical Thinking
Find out more...
Sincero, J. (2013). You are a badass: How to stop doubting your greatness and start living an awesome life. Philadelphia, PA: Running Press. |
Hyatt, M., & Harkavy, D. (2016). Living forward: A proven plan to stop drifting and get the life you want. Ada, MI: Baker Books. |
Kooz, J. (2016). Greater balance, greater reward: Five steps to better health, productivity and work life balance (Greater Balance Books Book 1). Charleston, SC: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. |
Pasricha, N. (2016). The happiness equation: Want nothing + do anything = have everything. New York, NY: G.P. Putnam's Sons. |
Family and Parenting

Center for Parent Information and Resources - Serves as a central resource of information and products to the community of Parent Training Information (PTI) Centers and the Community Parent Resource Centers (CPRCs), so that they can focus their efforts on serving families of children with disabilities. This site provides resources regarding a range of disability issues including, advocacy, mental health, k-12 concerns, early intervention, statistics, local resources, etc.
Child care resource and referral agencies in both NH and VT provide referrals and other services to families seeking child care. They also provide information on choosing child care, child development, child care scholarships and state regulations.
Child Care Aware of New Hampshire, 603-578-1386 - Child care resource and referral agencies in both NH and VT provide referrals and other services to families seeking child care. They also seek to educate on best practice for choosing child care, child development, child care scholarships and state regulations.
DCCCC Dartmouth College Child Care Center, 603-646-6610 If you are affiliated with Dartmouth College, you may contact the DCCCC for assistance. The purpose of the Center is to meet the daytime child care needs of College personnel by providing a warm, stimulating, safe and reliable environment for the care of young children. DCCCC is committed to promoting the growth of the whole child by attending to each child's physical, emotional, social and intellectual development.
The Family Place, 802-649-3268 - The Family Place is a parent-child center located in Norwich, VT. We proudly serve the entire Upper Valley region of Vermont and New Hampshire. In 2015, we will celebrate 30 years of helping our community, from 1985-2015.
Child Care Resource, 802-863-3367 - Help families and providers make child care connections, strengthen early learning opportunities, and create child care solutions for communities. Strive to ensure that children, birth through age 12, are developing to their full potential and are well-prepared for school and life.
Children and Natural Disaster:
Helping Kids Cope
NAEYC, National Association for the Education of Young Children - Coping with Disasters
NAEYC, National Association for the Education of Young Children - Coping with Violence
10 Tips For Raising Resilient Kids By Margarita Tartakovsky, M.S.,

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau - Consumer tools and resources for strengthening financial literacy.
MyMoney.Gov - Resources and tools such as budgeting worksheets, topic focused calculators and checklists. Has games for children to help them learn concepts of earning, spending and saving. Website developed in coordination with 20 federal entities to strengthen financial capability and increase access to financial services for all Americans.
360 Degrees of Financial Literacy, American Institute of CPA's - 360 Degrees of Financial literacy is a national volunteer effort of the nation's Certified Public Accountants to help Americans understand their personal finances and develop money management skills. It focuses on financial education as a lifelong endeavor—from children learning about the value of money to adults reaching a secure retirement.
Granite United Way - Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Free tax preparation

Go take a hike...
Very Local Resources
Hanover Conservancy have a Hike of the Month, Trips and Events, Local Trail information and Conservancy resources

National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, Grief and Loss
LGBT Resources

Center Link - Community of LGBT Centers - Training, awareness efforts, local and national resources
GLADD - GLAAD rewrites the script for LGBTQ acceptance. As a dynamic media force, GLAAD tackles tough issues to shape the narrative and provoke dialogue that leads to cultural change.
Marriage and Relationships

National Healthy Marriage Resource Center - clearinghouse for quality, balanced, and timely information and resources on healthy marriage and relationship education. The NHMRC's mission is to be a first stop for information, resources, and training on healthy marriage for experts, researchers, policymakers, media, marriage educators, couples and individuals, program providers, and others.

Infertility - Resolve, The National Infertility Association - dedicated to ensuring that all people challenged in their family building journey reach resolution through being empowered by knowledge, supported by community, united by advocacy, and inspired to act.
CDC - Center for Disease Control - Wide array of materials and tips on how to deal with many diseases, medical concerns and mental health issues. has pdf's on numerous topics. Developed in collaboration with Harvard
FamilyWize - Prescription costs comparison and free prescription savings cards and wellness newsletters and require no eligibility criteria. Believe that empowering people with the information and tools they need to make smart decisions about purchasing their prescription medication will lead to stronger and healthier communities.
Mental Health

SAMHSA - Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration - Treatment locator, resource pages, reference materials and statistics.
NAMI - National Alliance on Mental Illness - 1-800-950-NAMI (6264) or - Provide information on numerous mental illnesses and related topics, fact sheets, support resources, discussion groups, trainings, advocacy
Upper Valley Mental Health Resource Guide
Natural Disasters

SAMHSA: Tips for Survivors of a Disaster or Other Traumatic Event: MANAGING STRESS

FA - Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous - International fellowship of people who have experienced difficulties as a result of a relationship to food and eating. Through shared experience and mutual support, they help each other to recover from the disease of food addiction. Program of recovery is based on the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous. Make use of AA principles to gain freedom from addictive eating. There are no dues, fees, or weigh-ins at FA meetings. Membership is open to anyone who wants help with food. Website provides related literature and information on meetings.
USDA, Choose My Plate - Great resource for nutrition and dietery information including: healthy portion sizes, healthy choices, eating on a budget, food safety, online tools for tracking weight and food intake and educational materials.
Pets and Pet Loss

APLB - Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement - Information on topics such as: euthanasia, after care and children and pet loss. Provide training programs for pet bereavement counseling.

US Department of Labor Resources
Taking the Mystery Out of Retirement Planning
Top 10 Ways to Prepare for Retirement
Sexual Health

Medline Plus, A division of the National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine - Website offers fact sheets, treatment options, clinical trials and latest news.
Sexual Health - Medline Plus, Sexual Health
Sexual health and aging -, Healthy Aging and Sexual Health
Sexual Issues - Women - Medline Plus, Women,
Sexual Issues - Men - Medline Plus, Men

Happify Daily How to Beat Stress and Boost Happiness
Stress impacts each of us in unique ways but there are strategies to lessening stress and facing common life stressors with resiliency and effective action. Stress symptoms: Effects on your body and behavior
By Mayo Clinic Staff,
Take the life stress change quiz
Manage your stress... Don't let it manage you...
Talks to Help You Manage Stress, Ted Talks on Stress
Rock and Roll Your Stress Away
Coping with Stress - CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Coping with Stress and Anxiety, APA, American Psychological Association
Substance Abuse

Understanding Addiction
Alcoholics Anoymous - Access resources and find a support group near you.
SAMHSA - Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
NIH - National Institute on Drug Abuse
NH Bureau of Drug and Alcohol Services, NH Department of Health and Human Services - fact sheets, information on recovery, treatment programs, support groups for families, NH initiatives.
VT Department of Health, Division of Alcohol and Drug Abuse - Oversees a network of health promotion, prevention, intervention, treatment and recovery services.
Families and Addiction
It Happens in the Best of Families, SAMHSA
National Center on Substance Abuse and Child Welfare - Resources focused on the impact of substance abuse on children. Offers facts sheets, training and conferences - more focused toward treatment professionals but informative for everyone.
Women and Substance Abuse, Addressing the Specific Needs of Women - SAMHSA
Nine Strategies for Families Helping a Loved One in Recovery - Behavioral Health Evolution, Hazelden Publishing
NH Al-Anon - The Al-Anon Family Groups are a fellowship of relatives and friends of alcoholics who share their experience, strength, and hope in order to solve their common problems. Believe alcoholism is a family illness and that changed attitudes can aid recovery.
VT Al-Anon and Alateen - fellowship of relatives and friends of alcoholics who share their experience, strength, and hope in order to solve their common problems.
What to Do If Your Adult Friend or Loved One Has a Problem with Drugs, NIH, National Institute on Drug Abuse
Dual Diagnosis/Co-occurring Disorders (Mental Illness and Addiction/Depression and Addiction)
Dual Diagnosis, NAMI, National Alliance on Mental Illness
Co-occurring Disorders, SAMHSA
Designing an Addiction Treatment Plan, CASA, The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse
Narcotics Anonymous World Services
NH Alcohol and Drug Treatment Locator
Dartmouth-Hitchcock, Lebanon, NH: IOP, Intensive Outpatient Program
Headrest - Recovery services regardless of client's ability to pay.
How Do I Find Alcohol or Drug Addiction Treatment in Vermont?
Second Wind Foundation - offer recovery support services, education and advocacy.

Risk Factors and Warning Signs: What leads to suicide? - from the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Warning Signs of Suicide - Suicide Awareness Voices of Education
Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 1-800-273-8255
Preventing Suicide - CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
What to do when someone is suicidal
10 Things Parents Can Do to Prevent Suicide -, American Academy of Pediatrics
What is Cyberbullying? -, US Department of Health and Human Services
Risk Factors for Cyberbullying -, US Department of Health and Human Services
Workplace Tips and Strategies

What Does A Compassionate Workplace Look Like? by Nir Eyal, Monica Worline, January 5, 2017 from Greater Good in Action, Science-based Practices for a Meaningful Life
The Power of Forgiveness at Work, by Brooke Deterline | August 26, 2016 from Greater Good in Action, Science-based Practices for a Meaningful Life
7 Perfect Replies to (Politely) Shut Down Negative People, By Aja Frost,
13 Options to Improve Your Work Relationships by Beverly Flaxington, Psychology Today
Work-Life Balance -
How to Cope When Coworkers Lose Their Jobs