Special Seminar: Times of Crisis
University of Pristina — Dartmouth College
As part of the USAID TLP-SP, Dartmouth faculty and members of the Gender Research Institute at Dartmouth (GRID), in partnership with University of Pristina, hosted a special seminar, "Times of Crisis" on Dec 10-12, 2015.
The seminar was led by two Dartmouth faculty members, Annabel Martín (Director, Gender Research Institute at Dartmouth (GRID), and Associate Professor of Spanish, Comparative Literature, and Women's, Gender, and Sexualities Studies) and Txetxu Aguado (Associate Professor Spanish & Portuguese, Women's, Gender, and Sexualities Studies, and Comparative Literature.)
"Times of Crisis" engaged in an interdisciplinary study of crisis in its many manifestations: from the erosion of justice, social inequities, and its effects on individuals, families, and communities to the exhilarating moment of transformation all moments of crisis offer. Participants discussed and grounded systemic analysis and change in the insights offered by critical social and gender-based theory, activism, and the arts. The seminar also reflected on the readings from the varied disciplinary perspectives of the participants and explored ways to continue collaborative activities through the TLP-SP.