Harris Distinguished Visiting Professorship Program
Viktor L. Witkowski, Director
HB-6124Fairbanks North Bldg
Hanover NH 03755 Phone: (603) 646-2412Email: viktor.l.witkowski@dartmouth.edu
Kathleen Woodburn, Program Administrator
HB-6124Fairbanks North Bldg
Hanover NH 03755
Phone: (603) 646-2418
Email: kathleen.woodburn@dartmouth.edu
Curators Till Fellrath and Sam Bardaouil

Till Fellrath and Sam Bardaouil - Curators, Authors and Founders of Art Reoriented (Munich Germany and New York City). Esteemed Walter Picard Lecturers, January 2025 - Sponsored by the Harris German Program and The Hood Museum