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Dartmouth College Library Bulletin


November 1996 to April 1999

Abercrombie, Lascelles, xxxix:66-91, passim

American literature, study and teaching, xxxvii:2-19

Architecture, at Dartmouth, xxxviii:63-80

Backofen, Walter A., The Town of Hanover as a Window on Public-School Funding in the State of New Hampshire: 1789-1919, xxxix:26-43

Baker Library: construction, illus., xxxviii:57; Stefansson Collection, xxxix:48-60; Treasure Room, xxxix:61-63, illus., cover, xxxix:no. 1; Woodward Room, xxxix:14-25

Barlow, Joel, The Vision of Columbus, illus., xxxvii:4

Berry-Baker Library, xxxviii:54-62

Book collecting, xxxviii:46-50

Books, future of, xxxvii:49-53

Brawley, William D., For Some People, It’s Becoming Increasingly Difficult to Tell Where Traditional Libraries Stop and Traditional Computing Services Begin, xxxix:2-13

Brooke, Rupert, xxxix:66-91, passim

Brown, William E., Jr., Notes from the Special Collections: The Calvin Shedd Papers: A Glimpse of the Civil War and Beyond, xxxviii:28-45

Browne, Maurice, xxxix: 66-91, passim

Bryant, William Junior, xxxix:105-108, illus., cover, xxxix:ii

Butterfield Museum, illus., xxxviii:71

Chicago Little Theatre, xxxix:66-91, passim

Child, Lydia Maria, The Juvenile Miscellany, illus., xxxvii:30

Children’s literature, history, xxxvii:20-33

Civil War (U.S.), xxxviii:28-45; caricatures and cartoons, xxxvii:71-93, illus., xxxvii:72, 73, 75, 76, 77, 79, 82, 83, 84, 86, 87, 88, 90, 91, 92

Close, Virginia L., The First Librarian for Dartmouth College, xxxvii:38-48; Dresden: What Is in the Name, xxxviii:2-10; Charles N. Haskins and the Woodward Room at Baker Library, xxxix:14-25

Computers, and books, xxxvii:49-53

Cronenwett, Philip (P. N. C.), Journey’s End: The Future of the Book, xxxvii:49-53; Naming Places, xxxvii:114-116; On Books and Book Collectors, xxxviii:46-50; Two New Libraries, xxxviii:97-[101]; Farewell to the TR, xxxix:61-63; Junior Bryant, xxxix:105-108; Notes from the Special Collections: The Transformation of Webster Hall, xxxviii:87-96; The Ceaseless Quest for Knowledge: Stef and His Collection at Dartmouth, xxxix:48-60; Moving a Library, xxxix:97-104; Thesis Topics: Ready-Made: Dear Diary . . . , xxxvii:34-37; [Dictionary; special type] xxxviii:20-27; 'It Is Not Large,' xxxviii:81-86

Dartmouth College: American literature, teaching of: xxxvii: 2-19; buildings: xxxviii: 63-80, 87-96, illus., xxxviii:57, 71, 88, 89, 90, and cover, xxxviii:no. 2; maps, xxxviii:70, 76; computing services: xxxix:2-13; history: xxxviii:2-10; librarians: xxxvii:38-48, illus., cover, xxxvii:no. 1; libraries: xxxviii:54-62, 87-96, 97- [101], xxxix:2-13, 14-25, 61-63, illus., xxxviii:57, and cover xxxix:no. 1; Navy V-12 students: xxxix:92-96, illus., xxxix:94, 96; physics, teaching of: xxxix:92-96, illus., xxxix:94, 96; seal: xxxvii:98- 113, illus., xxxvii:107, 110, 111, 112, and cover, xxxvii:no. 2. See also Dartmouth College Library, Special Collections

Dartmouth College Library, Special Collections, xxxviii:92-96, xxxix:97-104, illus., xxxviii:[98-99], xxxix:100, 102, 103, 104, and cover, xxxix:no. 1.

Dennis, Suzanne Semmes, Casting Characters: An Introduction to the History of Juvenile Literature to 1900, xxxvii:20-33

Diaries, xxxvii:34-37

Dictionaries, xxxviii:20-27

Dresden, xxxviii:2-10

Dresden Mercury and the Universal Intelligencer, The, illus., xxxviii:9

Drinkwater, John, xxxix:66-91, passim

Edgeworth, Maria and Richard, Practical Education, illus., xxxvii:28

Electronic media, and books, xxxvii:49-53

Francis, Lesley Lee, The New Numbers Poets and the Chicago Little Theatre (1912-1918), Part I, xxxix:66-91

Frost, Robert, and J. J. Lankes, xxxvii:58-70

Gibson, Wilfrid, xxxix:66-91, passim

Good, Jonathan, The Dartmouth College Seal, xxxvii:98-113

Goodrich, Samuel, Tales about the United States, illus., xxxvii:27

Hanover, N.H.: school district map, xxxix:[35]; school funding, xxxix:26-43

Haskins, Charles Nelson, xxxix:14-25, illus., xxxix:[18]

History, and motion pictures, xxxvii:94-97

Hoefnagel, Dick, The First Librarian for Dartmouth College, xxxvii:38-48; Dresden: What Is in the Name, xxxviii:2-10; Charles N. Haskins and the Woodward Room at Baker Library, xxxix:14-25

Hough Room, see Baker Library: Treasure Room

Illustrations: Joel Barlow, The Vision of Columbus, xxxvii:4; Samuel L. Knapp, xxxvii:9; Kate Sanborn, xxxvii:13; Fred L. Pattee, xxxvii:15; Samuel Goodrich, Tales about the United States, xxxvii:27; Maria and Richard Edgeworth, Practical Education, xxxvii:28; Lydia Maria Child, The Juvenile Miscellany, xxxvii:30; Howard Pyle, The Story of King Arthur and His Knights, xxxvii:33; J. J. Lankes woodcuts, xxxvii: 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66; Civil War cartoons, xxxvii:72, 73, 75, 76, 77, 79, 82, 83, 84, 86, 87, 88, 90, 91, 92; Dartmouth College seal, xxxvii:107, 110, 111, 112; The Dresden Mercury and the Universal Intelligencer, xxxviii:9; Pompeii, xxxviii:55; The Lawn, University of Virginia, xxxviii:56; Baker Library construction, xxxviii:57; Redstone (house), xxxviii:66; Dartmouth quadrangle, xxxviii:70; Butterfield Museum, xxxviii:71; Dartmouth campus map, xxxviii:76; Charles Alonzo Rich, xxxviii:78; Webster Hall, xxxviii:88, 89, 90, renovation plan, xxxviii:[98-99]; Berry-Baker plan, xxxviii:[100-101]; Woodward mourning picture, xxxix:15; Charles N. Haskins, xxxix:[18]; Hanover school tax graphs, xxxix:31, 33, 37, 41, 42; Hanover school districts, map, xxxix:[35]; Viljhalmur Stefansson, xxxix:49, 51, 52; Navy V-12 students, xxxix:94, 96; Special Collections move, xxxix:100, 102, 103, 104

Cover illustrations, Friends’ editions: Bezaleel Woodward, xxxvii:no. 1; Dartmouth College seal, xxxvii:no. 2; letter to Eleazar Wheelock, xxxviii:no. 1; Webster Hall, xxxviii:no. 2; Treasure Room, Baker Library, xxxix:no. 1; William J. Bryant xxxix:no. 2

Invasion from Mars, The, radio broadcast, xxxix: 44-47

Journey’s End: The Future of the Book, xxxvii:49-53; Naming Places, xxxvii:114-116; On Books and Book Collectors, xxxviii:46-50; Two New Libraries, xxxviii:97-[101]; Farewell to the TR, xxxix:61-63; Junior Bryant, xxxix:105-108

King, Allen L., The Largest Class in College Physics, xxxix:92-96

Knapp, Samuel L., illus., xxxvii:9

Krieger, Lois A., Thesis Topics: Ready-made: 'Written in Lightning,' xxxvii:94-97; The Invasion from Mars: Was the Public Really That Gullible?, xxxix:44-47

Lankes, J. J. and Robert Frost, xxxvii:58-70; Frost woodcuts, illus., xxxvii:61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66

Lawn, The, University of Virginia, illus., xxxviii:56

Librarians, Dartmouth College, xxxvii:38-48, illus., cover , xxxvii:no. 1

Libraries: at Dartmouth, xxxviii:54-62, illus., xxxviii:57; history: xxxviii:81-86

Meacham, Scott B., 'The Shaping Hand Was at All Points the Same': Charles Alonzo Rich Builds the New Dartmouth, xxxviii: 63-80

Migration, internal, xxxviii:11-19

Morrissey, Charles T., Expatriates: New Hampshire and Vermont in Texas, xxxviii:11-19

Motion pictures, and history, xxxvii:94-97

Names, geographic, xxxvii:114-116; xxxviii:2-10

Navy V-12 students, xxxix:92-96, illus., xxxix:94, 96

New Hampshire: and migration to Texas, xxxviii:11-19; school funding, xxxix:26-43

New Numbers (journal), poets associated with, xxxix:66-91

Notes from the Special Collections: The First Librarian for Dartmouth College, xxxvii:38-48; The Dartmouth College Seal, xxxvii:98-113; The Calvin Shedd Papers: A Glimpse of the Civil War and Beyond, xxxviii:28-45; The Transformation of Webster Hall, xxxviii:87-96; The Ceaseless Quest for Knowledge: Stef and His Collection at Dartmouth, xxxix:48-60; Moving a Library, xxxix:97-104

Pattee, Fred L., illus., xxxvii:15

Physics, teaching at Dartmouth, xxxix:92-96, illus., xxxix:94, 96

Place names, see Names, geographic

Pompeii, illus., xxxviii:55

Pyle, Howard, The Story of King Arthur and His Knights, illus., xxxvii:33

Rauner Library, see Dartmouth College Library, Special Collections

Redstone (house), illus., xxxviii:66

Rich, Charles Alonzo, xxxviii:63-80, illus., xxxviii:78; designs, illus., xxxviii:66, 70, 71

Sanborn, Kate, illus., xxxvii:13

School funding, New Hampshire, xxxix:26-43

Scott, Willliam C., The Berry-Baker Library: 'The Future is Not What It Used to Be,' xxxviii:54-62

Seals, Dartmouth College, xxxvii:98-113, illus., xxxvii:107, 112, and cover, xxxvii:no. 2

Shedd, Calvin, Civil War papers, xxxviii:28-45

Special Collections, Dartmouth College Library, see Dartmouth College Library, Special Collections

Spengemann, William C., The Study of American Literature: A Vew from the Hill, xxxvii:2-19

Stefansson, Vilhjalmur, xxxix:48-60, illus., xxxix:49, 51, 52

Stefansson Collection, Baker Library, xxxix:48-60

Taylor, Welford Dunaway, A World Enough: Robert Frost, J. J. Lankes, and the Baker Library, xxxvii:58-70

Texas, New Hampshire and Vermont migrants to, xxxviii:11-19

Thesis Topics: Ready-Made: Dear Diary . . . , xxxvii:34-37; 'Written in Lightning,' xxxvii:94-97; [Dictionary; special type] xxxviii:20-27; 'It Is Not Large,' xxxviii:81-86; The Invasion from Mars: Was the Public Really That Gullible?, xxxix:44-47

Vermont, and migration to Texas, xxxviii:11-19

Virginia, University of, The Lawn, illus., xxxviii:56

Wait, Gary E., Cartoons and Caricatures of the Civil War, xxxvii:71-93

Webster Hall, xxxviii:87-96, 97, illus., xxxviii:88, 89, 90, [98-99], and cover, xxxviii:no. 2

Welles, Orson, Mars invasion radio broadcast, xxxix:44-47

Woodward, Annette, mourning picture, illus., xxxix:15

Woodward, Bezaleel, xxxvii:38-48, illus., cover, xxxvii:no. 1; mourning picture, illus., xxxix:15

Woodward Room, Baker Library, xxxix:14-25

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Last Updated: 4/19/17