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Dartmouth College Library Bulletin


WELFORD DUNAWAY TAYLOR is James Bostwick Professor of English Literature in the University of Richmond and the author of several studies on J. J. Lankes.

GARY E. WAIT is Catalog Librarian at the Connecticut Historical Society and a former member of the Dartmouth College Library staff.

LOIS A. KRIEGER is Humanities and Social Sciences Reference Bibliographer, Baker Library.

JONATHAN GOOD 1994 is pursuing a doctorate in medieval history at the University of Minnesota.

PHILIP N. CRONENWETT (P. N. C.) is Special Collections Librarian.

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Issued twice annually, in November and April, by Dartmouth College Library, Hanover, New Hampshire 03755-3525. Permission to reprint is hereby given, but an indication of source is requested. Correspondence may be addressed to:

Editors, Room 115, Baker Library

Editors: Lois A. Krieger and Philip N. Cronenwett

Last Updated: 4/19/17