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Dartmouth College Library Bulletin


GARY E. WAIT was a member of Baker Library's staff from I3 March 1978 until I2 April 1985, when he left Special Collections to join the staff of the Connecticut Historical Society as Head Catalogue Librarian.

ALLLEN E. KING, Professor of Physics Emeritus and Curator of Historical Scientific Apparatus, has contributed articles on scientific topics to earlier issues of this journal.

DICK HOEFNAGEL, Professor of Maternal and Child Health (Pediatrics) Emeritus, contributes regularly to this journal. He is also a member of the Executive Committee of the Friends of the Dartmouth Library.

KENNETH C. CRAMER is the College Archivist.

VIRGINIA L. CLOSE is a Humanities & Social Science Reference Librarians in Baker Library.


Issued by the Dartmouth College Libraries (Baker Library and associated libraries), Hanover, New Hampshire. Permission to reprint is hereby granted, but an indication of the source would be greatly appreciated. Correspondence may be addressed to the

Editor, Room 115, Baker Library
Published twice annually, November and April.
Editor Emerita: Virginia L. Close

Editors of the issue: Virginia L. Close and Lois A. Kreiger

Last Updated: 4/19/17