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Baker-Berry Library Lost and Found

Library visitors are expected to monitor their belongings, especially valuables, at all times while using library facilities.

Lost and Found for the Baker-Berry Library is located at the main circulation desk along the Berry Main Street corridor.

The following guidelines are employed when dealing with items turned over to staff at the circulation desk.

Large valuable items such as laptop computers:

  • Held at the circulation desk for less than a day
  • Items are turned over to Safety and Security as soon as possible after received

Small valuable items such as cell phones, chargers and calculators, jewelry, wallets, purses, credit cards and ID’s:

  • Held at the circulation desk in a secure location for less than a week
  • Unclaimed items are turned over to Safety and Security daily
  • Dartmouth ID's:   Cardholders are notified by email when their card is turned in to the Circulation Desk staff. 
  • Unclaimed cards are turned over to the Card Office weekly


Non-valuable items such as clothing, shoes, notebooks, water bottles, and umbrellas:

    • Held in a bin behind the circulation desk
    • Unclaimed items are picked up by Safety and Security weekly


Personal books including textbooks:

    • Held in a personal book bin behind the circulation desk
    • Unclaimed items are distributed to Better World Books approximately once per term or as necessary due to space issues


If items are clearly marked with name or contact information, staff will attempt to email or phone the owner.


Baker-Berry Circulation Desk: 646-2567

Safety and Security: 646-4000


Baker-Berry Library is not responsible for unattended personal items left in the library, however we have established procedures for dealing with items turned in to our Lost and Found depository and will take reasonable measures to secure valuables, protect privacy and relinquish items in a timely manner to Safety and Security.

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Last Updated: 10/20/21