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Dana Biomedical Library

Dana Biomedical Library is a warm, bright, and welcoming place for studying, class meetings, research, and working with information professionals.

Hours: Dana Biomedical Library at 37 Dewey Field Road

Dana Biomedical Library offers 24/7 access for medical and graduate students, and for faculty upon request (use this request form.)

Course reserve materials and a small book collection are also featured at Dana Library.

All of Dana's print journal volumes and most of its book collection are housed at the Dartmouth Library Depository at 56 Etna Road. Quick retrieval is assured. The Dartmouth College Library couriers make trips twice daily to all the libraries, delivering materials housed offsite to any of the Dartmouth College Libraries upon request. 

Dana Library Location on Campus (click for larger image):

Dana Biomedical Library Floorplan


Click on the floor plan below for a larger image (PDF):

Dana Biomedical Library Floorplan


Last Updated: 2/18/19