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How to Get the Full-Text of an Article from a PubMed Search

  1. Search PubMed.
  2. Display your results in the Abstract format by using the "Display Settings" pull-down menu which is under the search box. Or select a single citation from the summary list by clicking on the article's title. 
  3. Click on the green "Dartmouth Full Text" icon Dartmouth Full Text icon, if it appears. The icon will at the top ot the box at the right in a single Abstract display, and below the abstract in a list of citations in Abstract display.
  4. If you see no green "Dartmouth Full Text" icons for any article. (Detailed instructions)
  5. If there is no green "Dartmouth Full Text" icon for a particular desired article, click on the "Get It" icon Get It Icon A new Article Linker browser window (or tab) will open. In that window, you will see options, if any, for linking to the article in Dartmouth-licensed ejournals. Click on "FullText" to go directly to the article; "Journal" will take you to the journal's home page. If no links to the full text appear, click on "Submit DARTDOC Request" to place a DartDoc request for the article, with the DartDoc form automatically filled out for you. (Detailed instructions)
  6. If you are off-campus, most links to the full text of articles will not work unless you are also using a VPN. See Off-Campus Access.

For further assistance, contact us.

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Last Updated: 8/12/19