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Course Reserves
Geisel School of Medicine
Books to support classroom teaching in the Geisel School of Medicine may be provided as an e-book that can be linked in Canvas (when available) or placed on physical course reserve at the Dana Biomedical Library or the Matthews-Fuller Health Sciences Library.
If the library does not own the books you have as required or recommended reading for the curriculum, please contact us! We will first look to purchase electronic copies, and if not available will buy up to two print copies to have on reserve at Dana or Matthews-Fuller, depending on your preferences. If you would like copies at both locations, we will provide them.
Please note that the Biomedical Libraries does not accept personal copies to be placed on reserve.
How to Submit Reserve Requests
The Dartmouth Library has adopted a new tool for course reserves. This tool allows you to build lists of content for a class, including materials that the library owns or subscribes to as well as other content that you may want to include.
Library Reserves is accessed from within your Canvas course by selecting Library Reserves/Guides from the left navigation. Or login directly to the Library Reserves tool.
Please see the Course Reserves Guide for how to use the new Library Reserves tool.
Questions? Contact the Biomedical Libraries