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Scanning Documents/Images

Photocopier Scanning

Our photocopiers have the ability to scan a document or picture in black & white and send it to email without cost to you. See the photocopying page for more information.

Use of the scanner must be consistent with the Dartmouth Computing Code, other policies of the College, and state and federal law. Specifically, scanning copyrighted material for non-academic purposes or scanning ID's are specifically prohibited.

Flatbed Scanner

The Biomedical Libraries maintain a flatbed color scanner connected to a Windows computer located in the Matthews-Fuller Health Sciences Library. This workstation has scanning and image editing software, and basic scanning instructions are posted near the scanner. The computer is connected to the network and has USB ports to facilitate the transportation of scanned images. You must provide your own USB flash drive. The Library staff can only offer minimal assistance with the software on the scanning station.

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Last Updated: 6/24/19