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Projects in Process

Listed below are a few of the projects currently being worked on by the Digital Library Program.


Rusticated Youth Project

Rusticated Youth Project

The Rusticated Youth movement, or “Up to the mountains and down to the countryside”, refers to a unique historical event during China’s Cultural Revolution which relocated 17,000,000 middle school- and high school-age students from cities to remote rural areas for 10 years (1968-1978). The movement impacted nearly every urban family at the time, and among the current seven-member Chinese Politburo, four are former Rusticated Youth. In 2016, Nien Lin Xie, Librarian for East Asian Studies and former Rusticated Youth, initiated this project in collaboration with friends in China to collect original materials for Dartmouth College Library, including both written materials, (letters, diaries) and photos, as well as oral history video interviews. Conservation and imaging of the print portion of the collection is nearly complete.


Pre-1600 manuscript sample image

The Pre-1600 Manuscripts Project

This project was initiated to support the work of "Manuscriptlink," a digital humanities project based at the University of South Carolina. Their project aims to rebuild broken manuscript books from their widely disbursed parts to enhance their research value to the scholarly community. Dartmouth's contribution includes the digitization of approximately 208 leaves from 138 different broken manuscripts, spanning from the 8th century through 1600. Most are in Latin and religious in nature.




Nitrate Negatives Project

Nitrate Films Preservation Project

This is a project to digitize approximately 10,000 negatives from several photographic collections in Rauner Special Collections Library. Nitrate film is an unstable format and can be a fire hazard posing a potential threat to other collections. We are creating digital versions of these photographs so that the negatives can be safely discarded. The negatives come from several mostly unprocessed photo collections.



Marcus Jewelry Albums

Dartmouth Dissertations

Over 1,000 Dartmouth College Ph.D dissertations from 1960-2015 are online in this collection. More are being added as permissions are obtained from the authors to make these important pieces of research publicly available. View the collection here.

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Last Updated: 8/18/17