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Dartmouth Digital Publishing: Books

The Digital Publishing Program has made the following books available in HTML, PDF, and when possible, e-book formats. All are free to the public.


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Baker-Berry: A Library for all Reasons

This booklet was published in honor of Berry Library's completion in 2002. It includes a history of Baker Library and an extensive introduction to the Digital Library at Dartmouth initiative, both accompanied by beautiful color photographs of Baker Library and its new addition, Berry. 2002.




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The Educated Eye

Nancy Anderson, and Michael R. Dietrich, editors

The creation and processing of visual representations in the life sciences is a critical but often overlooked aspect of scientific pedagogy. The Educated Eye follows the nineteenth-century embrace of the visible in new spectatoria, or demonstration halls, through the twentieth-century cinematic explorations of microscopic realms and simulations of surgery in virtual reality, 2012.



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The National Uncanny

Renée L. Bergland

In The National Uncanny, Renée L. Bergland argues that representing Indians as ghosts internalizes them as ghostly figures within the white imagination. Spectralization allows white Americans to construct a concept of American nationhood haunted by Native Americans, in which Indians become sharers in an idealized national imagination. However, the problems of spectralization are clear, since the discourse questions the very nationalism it constructs. University Press of New England, 2000.



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From 18 to 85: Chronicling a Fortunate Life

by Peter Bien

Personal memoir in the form of a journal covering the life of Peter Bien from 1948 to 2016, Revised 2017.



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Selected Lectures, Shorter Writings, and Translations

by Peter Bien

This volume meanders toward Greek subjects presented in the classrooms of various universities or in the lounge of a cruise ship, a restaurant in Greece, or illegally in the Delphic stadium. The book also touches on other literatures and on non-literary subjects such as Dartmouth’s student revolution in 1969, a Scorsese film, Quakerism, and prostate cancer. There is even a teeny mock epic called "Dartmouthiad." -- from the Introduction, 2018.



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Empire of Liberty

Anthony Bogues

This work by Anthony Bogues, Professor of Social Sciences and Critical Theory at Brown University, studies the relationship between America's image as a promoter of liberty and the imposition of American values on the world. University Press of New England, 2010.






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Tuck and Tucker

Wayne Broehl

Wayne Broehl's book chronicles how, at the dawn of the twentieth century, Mr. Tuck and President Tucker conceived of and launched a powerful educational movement. University Press of New England, 1999.



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Captivity and Sentiment

Michelle Burnham

In a radically new interpretation and synthesis of highly popular 18th- and 19th-century genres, Michelle Burnham examines the literature of captivity, and, using Homi Bhabha's concept of interstitiality as a base, provides a valuable redescription of the ambivalent origins of the US national narrative. University Press of New England, 1997.



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Folded Selves

Michelle Burnham

Folded Selves radically refigures traditional portraits of seventeenth-century New England literature and culture by situating colonial writing within the spatial, transnational, and economic contexts that characterized the early-modern "world system" theorized by Immanuel Wallerstein and others. Michelle Burnham rethinks American literary history and the politics of colonial dissent, and her book breaks new ground in making the economic relations of investment, credit, and trade central to this new framework for early American literary and cultural study. University Press of New England, 2007.



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The Indian History of an American Institution

Colin Calloway

The Indian History of an American Institution, by Professor of History and Native American Studies Colin Calloway, describes the centuries-long relationship between Dartmouth College and Native Americans, whom the college was founded to teach. This thorough account spans all of Dartmouth's history, from the lives of Native Americans under the tutelage of founder Eleazar Wheelock to contemporary Native Americans at Dartmouth. University Press of New England, 2010.



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Greenlanders, Whales, and Whaling

Richard A. Caulfield

Whaling has been central to the life of Greenland's Inuit peoples for at least 4000 years, but political, economic, technological, and regulatory changes have altered this ancient practice. Richard A. Caulfield reveals these impacts first by analyzing Home Rule and its success in Greenland, and then by looking at whaling's place in the contemporary Greenlandic economy and its evolving co-management regime. University Press of New England, 1997.



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On Suffering

Beverley M. Clarke

Based on the results of a scientific questionnaire, as well as evidence from and conversations with hundreds of patients, Beverley M. Clarke argues convincingly that suffering is often separate from pain, has universal measurable characteristics, and requires suffering-specific treatments that are sensitive to the patient’s individual psychology and cultural background. Treating the patient as a whole person—an approach that Clarke strongly advocates—is an issue overlooked in the majority of chronic care and traumatic injury treatments, focused as they are on pain reduction. Dartmouth College Press, 2011.



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Finding Augusta

Heidi Rae Cooley

Finding Augusta breaks new ground, revising how media studies interpret the relationship between our bodies and technology. This is a challenging exploration of how, for both good and ill, the sudden ubiquity of mobile devices, GPS systems, haptic technologies, and other forms of media alter individuals’ experience of their bodies and shape the social collective. The author succeeds in problematizing the most salient fact of contemporary mobile media technologies, namely, that they have become, like highways and plumbing, an infrastructure that regulates habit, 2014.



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Dartmouth College and Associated Schools General Catalogue, 1769-1940

The General Catalogue of Dartmouth College is a directory of Dartmouth’s administrative officers and faculty; graduate and non-graduate alumni of the undergraduate college; graduate and non-graduate alumni of the professional schools and graduate programs; special students; and honorary degree recipients, dating from the founding of Dartmouth in 1769 through the class of 1939. The entries for alumni provide brief biographical information including birth date and place, residence (for those living at the time of publication), death date and place (for the deceased), occupation, Dartmouth degrees, and any additional educational information. Similar information is included for officers and faculty, plus their term of service to the College. Dartmouth College, 1940.



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The Imperialist Imaginary

John R. Eperjesi

In a groundbreaking work of "New Americanist" studies, John R. Eperjesi explores the cultural and economic formation of the Unites States relationship to China and the Pacific Rim in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Eperjesi examines a variety of texts to explore the emergence of what Rob Wilson has termed the "American Pacific." University Press of New England, 2005.



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Errands into the Metropolis

Jonathan Beecher Field

In Errands into the Metropolis, Jonathan Beecher Field explores the influence of London's internal political conflicts on the development of early New England. He gives special consideration to the development of Rhode Island and the roles of significant personages including John Cotton, Roger Williams, and Samuel Gorton. University Press of New England, 2009.



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A Commonwealth of Liberal Learning

The inaugural address of James O. Freedman delivered at his installation as fifteenth President of Dartmouth College. 1987.



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Improve, Perfect, & Perpetuate

Oliver S. Hayward, M.D., and Constance E. Putnam

This is the first full-scale biography of Nathan Smith -- medical pioneer, founder of Dartmouth Medical School and cofounder of three other medical schools (Yale, Vermont, and Bowdoin), and progenitor of a long line of physicians. Smith was a central figure in early American medical education, from 1787 when he began practicing in New Hampshire, to his death in New Haven in 1829. University Press of New England, 1998.



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Mad Boys

Ernest Hebert

This cyberpunk road novel by Dartmouth English professor Ernest Hebert anticipates reality-based television—with dire consequences. It's Huck Finn and On the Road rolled into one. University Press of New England, 1993.



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I Love U

Ernest Hebert

Suppose you could transfer who you are, your memories, your desires, your feelings, your self-awareness—you—into a better, more capable, more attractive and potentially immortal body, wouldn't you go for it? This novel by Dartmouth English professor Ernest Hebert addresses that question and more.



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An American Body|Politic

Bernd Herzogenrath

An American Body|Politic, by Professor Bernd Herzogenrath of the University of Frankfurt, Germany, uses the work of Gilles Deleuze to examine the connection between the physical body and the metaphorical body in American society. Professor Herzogenrath's in-depth exploration addresses the role of the body in everything from Puritan thought to modern techno music. University Press of New England, 2010.



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The College on the Hill

Ralph Nading Hill

A chronicle of Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire, edited by the Vermont writer and preservationist Ralph Nading Hill. Contributors include William Andres, John Sloan Dickey, Ralph Nading Hill, Stearns Morse, and Ernest Roberts. Dartmouth College Publications, 1964.



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Ernest Martin Hopkins on His Dartmouth Presidential Years

President Emeritus Hopkins describes his time as President of Dartmouth, including his relationship with the administration, his experience during wartime, his fundraising efforts, his personal life, and more. Dartmouth College, 1987.



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'Hoppy' on His Early Dartmouth Years

President Emeritus Ernest Hopkins discusses the path that led him to the presidency of Dartmouth College, from his early education at Worcester Academy to his acceptance of the Presidency of Dartmouth College. 1967.



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Horizons of Enchantment

Lene M. Johannessen

Lene M. Johannessen's Horizons of Enchantment is about the peculiar power and exceptional pull of the imaginary in American culture. Johannessen's subject here is the almost mystical American belief in the promise and potential of the individual, or the reliance on a kind of "modern magic" that can loosely be characterized as a fundamental and unwavering faith in the secular sanctity of the American project of modernity. In both her subject matter and perspective, Johannessen reconfigures and enriches questions of the transnational and exceptional in American studies. Dartmouth College Press, 2011.



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Migrant Sites

Dalia Kandiyoti

Dalia Kandiyoti presents a compelling corrective to the traditional immigrant and melting pot story. This original and wide-ranging study embraces Jewish, European, and Chicana/o and Puerto Rican literatures of migration and diasporization through the literary works of Abraham Cahan, Willa Cather, Estela Portillo Trambley, Sandra Cisneros, Piri Thomas, and Ernesto Quiñonez. Repositioning national literature as diaspora literature, the author shows that migrant legacies such as colonialism, empire, borders, containment, and enclosure are part of the American story and constitute the “diaspora sense of place.” Dartmouth College Press, 2009.



cover of The Hovey Murals at Dartmouth College

Brian Kennedy, ed.

The Hovey Murals at Dartmouth College

Dartmouth College is in the unique position of having a magnificent large fresco by the Mexican muralist José Clemente Orozco (1883–1949) adorning the campus library. Completed by the artist in 1934 and titled The Epic of American Civilization, this work was promptly condemned by many alumni as being too critical of the college and academia. In response to Orozco’s work, the illustrator and Dartmouth alumnus Walter Beach Humphrey (1892–1966) persuaded President Ernest Martin Hopkins to allow him to create another mural that would be more “Dartmouth” in character. Hood Museum; University Press of New England, 2011.



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Arctic Adaptations

Igor Krupnik

This work, by Igor Krupnik, examines the dynamics of change in subsistence practices, social structures, and ethics regarding utilization of natural resources, in native groups in northern Siberia. University Press of New England, 1993.



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Ghostly Communion

John J. Kucich

In this exceptional book, John J. Kucich reveals through his readings of literary and historical accounts how spiritualism helped shape the terms by which Native American, European, and African cultures interacted in America from the earliest days of contact through the present. Beginning his study with a provocative juxtaposition of the Pueblo Indian Revolt and the Salem Witchcraft trials of the seventeenth century, Kucich examines how both events forged "contact zones" - spaces of intense cultural conflict and negotiation - mediated by spiritualism. Kucich then chronicles how a diverse group of writers used spiritualism to reshape a range of such contact zones. This study, which brings canonical writers into conversation with lesser-known writers, is relevant to the resurgent interest in religious studies and American cultural studies in general. Dartmouth College Press, 2004.



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Ray Nash and the Graphic Arts Workshop at Dartmouth College

Edward Connery Lathem, Ed.

Professor Ray Nash's former students reminiscence about their time in his graphic arts classes. The book also includes essays by President Emeritus David T. McLaughlin and several others. The Friends of the Dartmouth Library, 1987.



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The Beginnings of The Thayer School of Engineering

Edward Connery Lathem, Ed.

The Beginnings of The Thayer School of Engineering Thayer School of Engineering, 1964.



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Miraculously Builded in Our Hearts

Edward Connery Lathem and David M. Shribman, Eds.

This Reader, addressed particularly to Dartmouth graduates, students, and friends, will also appeal to others interested in the history of higher education in America. Dartmouth College, 1999.



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Relocating Eden

Alan Rudolph Marcus

In the early 1950s, a number of Inuit men, women, and children were loaded on ships and sent to live in the cold and barren lands of the Canadian High Arctic. Spurred by government agents' promises of plentiful game, virgin land, and a lifestyle untainted by Western Influences, these "voluntary migrants," who soon numbered nearly ninety, found instead isolation, hunting limited by game preserve regulations, three months of total darkness each winter, and a government suddenly deaf to their pleas to return home.

Alan Rudolph Marcus outlines the motives behind the relocation, case histories of two settlements, and the aftermath of the migration. Relocating Eden provides a timely and provocative inquiry into issues of continuing importance to Canada and all native peoples. University Press of New England, 1995.



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Choices Made

David T. McLaughlin with Howard J. Coffin

David McLaughlin called this book "a personal memoir, one focusing centrally upon my relationship during more than half a century to my alma mater, Dartmouth College" (Choices Made, page vii). He focuses on his memories of Dartmouth, from his time as a student and member of the undergraduate Class of 1954 to his passing of the presidential mantle to James O. Freedman in 1987. Dartmouth College, 2007.



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The Limits to Growth

Donella H. Meadows, Dennis L. Meadows, Jørgen Randers, and William W. Behrens

This first edition, published in 1972, presented a study of the patterns and dynamics of human presence on earth, and pointed toward environmental and economic collapse within a century if "business as usual" continued. More than 40 years later, with over 10 million copies sold in 28 languages, this book endures as a foundational work in sustainability. A Potomac Associates book, 1972.



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Writing National Cinema

Jeffrey Middents

This work by Jeffrey Middents considers the development and influence of the Peruvian film journal Hablemos de cine, and its relation to the Peruvian political culture of the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s. It is the first English-language, book-length examination of Peruvian film. University Press of New England, 2009.



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Chinese Love Stories from Ch'ing-shih

Hua-yuan Li Mowry

Ch'ing-shih is a lovingly made anthology of love stories, provided we push the limits of definition of "love story" just a little wider than they are usually set. The stories are classified into twenty-four major categories, each further divided into subsections and concluded with a paragraph of commentary. Professor Mowry provides a sampling of the contents of each category but not of each subsection, though the headings themselves are enough to pique our curiosity: shall we turn next to "incomplete resurrections," or "unusual degenerates"? The stories were collected in the early seventeenth century, just a decade or two before the fall of the Ming dynasty, but nine-tenths of them are pre-Ming in origin. 1983.



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Three Monks: Courseware for Intermediate to Advanced Chinese Language Students and Students of Chinese Animation

Hua-yuan Li Mowry

This eBook consists of the full text, including illustrations, of the Three Monks multimedia courseware. The universal appeal of the story of the Three Monks endures even without the courseware’s audiovisual components, as the eBook extracts from the courseware, in essence, all that can be presented in words and still images. 2010.



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Yang-Pan Hsi: New Theater In China

Hua-yuan Li Mowry

A pioneer study of the seven dramatic works produced in China between the years of 1964 and 1966, this pamphlet focuses on the Chinese communist literary and art theory at that time, when theatrical productions and personnel were treated more or less the same as industrial or agricultural outputs and factory or farm workers, in terms of managerial control. It traces the origin and development of the term “yang-pan” 样板 (“yangban” in pinyin, meaning “template”) from agricultural to dramatic productions, and describes the political and ideological background against which the seven “model” dramas (five Beijing operas and two ballet dance-dramas) came into being. Based on the limited Chinese source materials available to the West in the early 1970s, it also provides scene-to-scene synopses of each of the seven dramas. 1973.



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Dwelling in American

John Muthyala

Globalization is not the Americanization of the world, argues John Muthyala. Rather, it is an uneven social, cultural, economic, and political process in which the policies and aspirations of powerful nation-states are entangled with the interests of other empires, nation-states, and communities. Dartmouth College Press, 2012.



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Visionary Compacts: American Renaissance Writings in Cultural Context

Donald E. Pease

In a major contribution to American literary culture, Donald E. Pease reassesses the works of a number of major writers of the American Renaissance, including Hawthorne, Whitman, Emerson, Melville, and Poe. He argues that the Revolutionary mythos, used to explain and organize American Renaissance literature for a century, was not used as an organizing principle by these writers, 1987.


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Inequality in Early America

Carla Gardina Pestana and Sharon V. Salinger, eds.

This book was designed as a collaborative effort to satisfy a long-felt need to pull together many important but separate inquiries into the nature and impact of inequality in colonial and revolutionary America. It also honors the scholarship of Gary Nash, who has contributed much of the leading work in this field. The 15 contributors, who constitute a Who's Who of those who have made important discoveries and reinterpretations of this issue, include Mary Beth Norton on women's legal inequality in early America; Neal Salisbury on Puritan missionaries and Native Americans; Laurel Thatcher Ulrich on elite and poor women's work in early Boston; Peter Wood and Philip Morgan on early American slavery; as well as Gary Nash himself writing on Indian/white history. University Press of New England, 1999.



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The Science We Have Loved and Taught

Constance E. Putnam

Dartmouth Medical School (DMS), the fourth oldest medical school in the United States, was founded in 1797 in Hanover, New Hampshire, by Nathan Smith. An entrepreneurial doctor with his own special brand of patient-centered medical care, Smith saw the fledgling Dartmouth College as a "literary institution" that would give status to his medical school and enhance his efforts to train physicians to care for rural patients. The College and the Medical School have followed intertwined paths ever since, as Constance Putnam shows in her account of the School's first two centuries. UPNE, 2004.



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Afterlives of Modernism

Afterlives of Modernism

John Carlos Rowe

In times of liberal despair it helps to have someone like John Carlos Rowe put things into perspective, in this case, with a collection of essays that asks the question, “Must we throw out liberalism’s successes with the neoliberal bathwater?” Rowe first lays out a genealogy of early twentieth-century modernists, such as Gertrude Stein, John Dos Passos, William Faulkner, and Ralph Ellison, with an eye toward stressing their transnationally engaged liberalism and their efforts to introduce into the literary avant-garde the concerns of politically marginalized groups, whether defined by race, class, or gender. The second part of the volume includes essays on the works of Harper Lee, Thomas Berger, Louise Erdrich, and Philip Roth, emphasizing the continuity of efforts to represent domestic political and social concerns. Dartmouth College Press, 2011.



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Telluride in the Film Festival Galaxy

Telluride in the Film Festival Galaxy

Jeffrey Ruoff

For those who cherish art cinema, the Telluride Film Festival is America's best known and most celebrated film festival. It is the quintessential cinephile film festival in the USA, and a destination festival prototype in the galaxy of festivals. It has been spoken and written about a lot in popular media, yet it has never been the subject of a monograph. This is the first study to explore Telluride's multi-faceted contributions to the cultural life of the United States and beyond. St Andrews Film Studies, 2016.



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The Artistry of the Homeric Simile

William C. Scott

In 2010, the Dartmouth Digital Library Program acquired its first original scholarly monograph, The Artistry of the Homeric Simile, by Professor Emeritus of Classics William Scott. Scott examines the nature of the simile in Homeric work and its inseparability from the oral tradition. University Press of New England and the Dartmouth College Library, 2009.



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The Oral Nature of the Homeric Simile

William C. Scott

This work, by Dartmouth Professor Emeritus William Scott, centers on Homer's similes as compositions derived from, and dependent on, an oral tradition. The 2009 print and electronic publication of Scott's latest work (The Artistry of the Homeric Simile) spurred the digital reissue of this 1974 study The Oral Nature of the Homeric Simile. Brill: Leiden, 1974; digital reissue: Dartmouth College Library: Hanover, 2009.



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Musical Design in Aeschylean Theater

William C. Scott

This book by William C. Scott, emeritus professor of classics at Dartmouth College, is essential for those who want to see ancient plays produced—either physically in the theater or imaginatively in their own minds. University Press of New England, 1984.



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Musical Design in Sophoclean Theater

William C. Scott

William C. Scott extends concepts set forth in his Goodwin Award-winning Musical Design in Aeschylean Theater (1984) by examining scansion patterns in the odes of the seven surviving Sophoclean tragedies. Analyzing the play as performed--its full expression in words, music, and dance--Scott finds that Sophocles' metrical patterns are not a secondary detail of the plays but a central feature of their musical organization. University Press of New England, 1996.



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Virginia Woolf's Reading Notebooks

Brenda R. Silver

Virginia Woolf's Reading Notebooks describes, dates, and identifies the sources of sixty-seven volumes of the notes that Woolf made while reading "with a pen and notebook, seriously." An indispensable tool for those who plan to consult the notebooks themselves, the book also illuminates, brilliantly, the depth and breadth of Woolf's life-long love of reading, her passionate engagement with literary and social history, 1983.



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Shock and Awe

William V. Spanos

Shock and Awe Inspired by the foreign policy entanglements of recent years, William V. Spanos offers a dramatic interpretation of Twain’s classic A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, providing a fresh assessment of American exceptionalism and the place of a global America in the American imaginary. Spanos insists that Twain identifies with his protagonist, particularly in his defining use of the spectacle, and thus with an American exceptionalism that uncannily anticipates the George W. Bush administration’s normalization of the state of exception and the imperial policy of “preemptive war,” unilateral “regime change,” and “shock and awe” tactics, 2013.



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Stardust Monuments

Alison Trope

An insightful tour of Hollywood’s past, present, and future, Stardust Monuments examines the establishment of film libraries and museums beginning in the mid 1930s, the many failed attempts to open a Hollywood museum ranging from the 1960s to today, and the more successful recent corporate efforts to use Hollywood’s past in theme restaurants and parks, classic movie channels, and DVD boxed sets. Dartmouth College Press, 2011.



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Kate Tulenko

Instead of outsourcing high-paying jobs overseas, as the manufacturing and service sectors do, hospitals and other healthcare companies insource healthcare labor from developing countries, giving the jobs to people who are willing to accept lower pay and worse working conditions than U.S. healthcare workers. As Dr. Tulenko shows, insourcing has caused tens of thousands of high-paying local jobs in the healthcare sector to effectively vanish from the reach of U.S. citizens, weakened the healthcare systems of developing nations, and constricted the U.S. health professional education system. Dartmouth College Press, 2012.



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Transcendental Resistance

Johannes Voelz

Johannes Voelz offers a critique of the New Americanists through a stimulating and original reexamination of the iconic figure of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Voelz argues against the prevailing tendency among Americanists to see Emerson as the product of an “all-pervasive scope of cultural power.” Instead he shows Emerson’s philosophy to be a deft response to the requirements of lecturing professionally at the newly built lyceums around the country. Voelz brings to light a fascinating organic relationship between Emerson’s dynamic style of thinking and the uplifting experience demanded by his public. University Press of New England, 2010.



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Ethics for International Medicine

Anji E. Wall

Ethics for International Medicine explores the many challenges faced by these medical aid workers from the West: They serve in settings with limited medical supplies, facilities, and personnel. Their patients speak different languages, have different cultures, and may even have different interpretations of disease. With limited time in which to provide medical care to hundreds of people or more, ethical dilemmas abound, and many health care practitioners, both novice and expert, are unprepared to manage them. This volume uses a series of cases studies to provide medical aid workers with a method for identifying, analyzing, and resolving ethical issues within the context of international medicine, 2012.



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No Innocent Bystanders

Frazer Ward

Ward contends that the ethical challenges with which performance art confronts its viewers speak to the reimagining of the audience, in terms that suggest the collapse of notions like “public” and “community”, 2012.



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Hopkins of Dartmouth

Charles E. Widmayer

In Hopkins of Dartmouth, Charles E. Widmayer chronicles the three-decade presidency of Ernest Martin Hopkins while weaving in details of "Hop's" personal life, from his experience as a Dartmouth student at the turn of the twentieth century to his continued involvement with the College community after his retirement in 1945. Dartmouth College through the University Press of New England, 1977.



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John Sloan Dickey

Charles E. Widmayer

"It is the purpose of this chronicle of the Dickey presidency, from 1945 to 1970, to write that review and to tell that full-bodied story, involving one of the great and formative periods in the life of the College. The book's chronological coverage of events and developments of the Dickey years is interrupted by chapters having to do with the Great Issues Course, the refounding of Dartmouth Medical School, Hopkins Center, and student dissent in the sixties." Dartmouth College, Distributed by University Press of New England, 1991.



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Forever New

James Wright, edited by Sheila Culbert

Jim Wright is an unabashed optimist. Reading his speeches, it doesn't take long to see that he believes in the fundamental values that shaped the American republic: opportunity and accessibility, individuality and a shared sense of community. He carried this idealism into his presidency of Dartmouth College and, indeed, throughout his career as teacher and historian.

At heart, Jim Wright was always a teacher. His election to the presidency of Dartmouth College gave him the opportunity not only to lead the college he loved, but also to use the presidency as a bully pulpit to encourage his students to make a positive difference in the world. The speeches gathered in this collection, particularly the annual convocation and commencement addresses, illustrate that calling. It is in these addresses that he was the most intentional about his goals and his aspirations for Dartmouth, for the Dartmouth faculty, and ultimately for Dartmouth students. Dartmouth College Press, 2012.



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Arctic Politics

Oran Young

In this collection of essays, Oran Young provides a foundation for studying the politics of the Arctic as a distinctive international region. Expanding the traditional approach to area studies, he examines the Far North not only for its unique features, but also as an arena within which to develop new approaches to various issues of worldwide interest. Young challenges persistent stereotypes that marginalize the region, moving beyond the romanticism of many observers to arrive at an understanding of the complex social and ecological systems of the Far North. University Press of New England, 1992.



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