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Digital Publishing

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Current Projects

The Journal of e-Media Studies

The Journal of e-Media Studies was conceived of and edited by Mark Williams, Dartmouth College Associate Professor of Film and Television Studies; it is the third journal published by the Library using the e-publishing platform created by our Digital Library Technology Group, and released in May 2008. The goal is to promote the academic study of electronic media, especially in light of the changes in formal and expressive capacities that the rise of digital media has brought about. This new on-line journal showcases the best new scholarly work on current and historical issues regarding electronic media. As an open access publication it is available without charge to anyone on the Internet.

Linguistic Discovery

Linguistic Discovery is a refereed online journal published as part of the Library's Digital Publishing Initiative. The journal was the first project under the aegis of the DPI, a new service launched in 2001. The first issue of Linguistic Discovery was published in January 2002 and new issues will appear semi-annually. The journal, which is not aligned with any specific theory or subfield of linguistics, promotes research on lesser studied languages, and has a data focus. A primary goal of the project is to utilize the capabilities of the digital environment to provide scholarly information, including audio and video content, in the field of linguistics research. The journal was developed and published by a team comprised of faculty, librarians, and computing staff.

Latino Intersections

Latino Intersections is a multi-faceted Web site being developed through the Library's Digital Publishing Initiative. Inspired by the Latinos 2000 Conference held at Dartmouth College in February 2000, the web site continues the Conference's dialogues and debates, which brought together scholars, students, artists, and activists from all over the United States.

Latino Intersections combines a refereed online journal, a journal of student contributions, research materials, current events, and art/performance content focusing on Latino Studies. Latino Intersections is a crossroads - una encrucijada - for the exploration of Latino culture. The site is a collaborative effort between the Department of Spanish & Portuguese and the Dartmouth College Library.

Regiomontanus Astronomy Manuscript Project

The Regiomontanus Astronomy Manuscript Project is a collaborative effort by Richard Kremer of Dartmouth College, Michael Shank of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the St. Petersburg Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Dartmouth College Library and Dartmouth Academic Computing. It focuses on a previously unstudied manuscript, "The Defense of Theon", written by the leading astronomer of fifteenth-century Europe, Johannes Regiomontanus. The web site associated with the project will make available a digital edition of the "Defense of Theon", a Latin text extant in a single holograph manuscript of 302 folios. The manuscript is housed at the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg.

Phase I of the web project, slated for completion in June 2003, will make available digital images of the entire manuscript, a diplomatic transcription of heavily revised text, and a final version of the text as deciphered by the editors. Subsequent phases of the web project will add an expanded electronic edition of the "Defense of Theon", selected portions of the text being attacked by the "Defense" (George of Trebizond's "Commentary on the Almagest"), English translations of selected passages of both texts, and a pedagogical introduction to late medieval astronomy intended by undergraduate audiences. Phase I of the project is being funded, in part, by the National Science Foundation.

Encyclopedia Arctica Electronica

The Encyclopedia Arctica Electronica (EAE) is a 10 year long project to digitize and make available on the web the Encyclopedia Arctica of Vilhjalmur Stefansson. The project is a joint venture with the Stefansson Arctic Institute and Rauner Special Collections Library at Dartmouth College.

The project will be completed in three phases. In Phase I (test phase) approximately 30 frames of the microfilm version (produced in 1975) were scanned and converted to PDF files. This test phase was completed in November 2002. In Phase Two, all the remaining biographies in the EAE (7223 frames of microfilm) will be scanned and prepared for mounting on the proposed web site. Phase Three and subsequent phases (if necessary) will be dedicated to scanning the remaining 15,000 frames of microfilm. Two chapters per year will be scanned and mounted.

https://ead.dartmouth.edu/html/stem96.html has already been encoded and is available electronically for ease of use. The EAE will allow searching by browsing the table of contents, author lists, and subject lists.

Model for Collaborative Projects

The Library's Digital Publishing Initiative exists to provide support and collaboration for faculty who are interested in publishing original scholarly content in a digital environment. If the project fits within the DPI's scope and resources, a team of faculty, librarians, and technical staff is organized to manage the project from design to first instance of publication. The Library provides organizational startup support, technical expertise and training, and archiving of content. Faculty manage the entire editorial process, from solicitation and review of manuscripts and other content, through conversion of documents into publishable HTML/XML documents/files. Following the publication of the first issue/release, the ongoing responsibility for the publication resides with the faculty editors; the Library provides assistance with technical enhancements needed and with technical problems which may arise.


The Dartmouth College Digital Library has identified standards for capture and storage of a variety of digital media. Members of the Dartmouth College community are strongly encouraged to observe standards when creating and manipulating digital materials. Widespread adoption of the standard will help users and libraries alike. Users will have more confidence in the fidelity of digital reproductions that are available to them, and libraries will produce and maintain reproductions with confidence that expensive re-digitization will not become necessary. Digital reproductions meeting at least the minimum specifications will remain viable even as reproduction techniques improved. Also, because such objects will have well-known, consistent properties, they will support a wide variety of uses.

The benchmark as endorsed by the Dartmouth College Library Leadership Group is available.

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Last Updated: 4/24/18