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Matariki Libraries Benchmarking Project

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Matariki Libraries Benchmarking Project

The Dartmouth College Library, along with MNU member institutions, are collaborating to carry out comparisons of selected services and activities representative of library service provision, to identify best practices, and to learn from each other. The benchmarking project aims to provide a shared response to the question: if we [the university library] enable and support the academic endeavor, how do we measure our effectiveness?  The project considers benchmarking activities in three identifiable areas of support: support for research, support for learning and teaching, and the role of the library as a place within the student experience.

Dartmouth Library Benchmarking Surveys

  • Survey Cycle 1 (2012): Library activities and practice for programs that support the transition of first year students to university life.
  • Survey Cycle 2 (2015): The provision of library spaces that supports the student experience.
  • Survey Cycle 3 (2016): Planning for change to support research, not in isolation but in partnership with others.
  • Survey Cycle 4 (2017): How the Library Helps Researchers Measure and Communicate Impact.

Te Whakatere, the newsletter of the Library Benchmarking Project (September 2011 - )

For more information about the Dartmouth College Library's involvement please contact Jennifer Taxman, Associate Librarian for Research & Learning.

About MNU

Dartmouth is one of the seven founding members of the Matariki Network of Universities, which was established in 2010 to enable partner universities to enhance research collaborations, share ideas and expertise, and create innovative student and faculty exchange programs. The other partner institutions are Durham University in England; Queen's University in Canada; University of Otago in New Zealand; University of Tübingen in Germany; University of Western Australia in Australia; and Uppsala University in Sweden.

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Last Updated: 8/29/18