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Material Type Icons Task Force


The Material Type Icons Task Force is charged with design and planning for the implementation of icons that indicate material types in Library Catalog browse displays. The Task Force reports to the Digital Library Group, and will work with definition of the categories of material types approved by DLG in January 2005. The Task Force will complete its work by the beginning of Fall term 2005.

The Task Force will work simultaneously with a working group of Cataloging and Acquisitions staff who will make all the data changes necessary to support the delivery of these icons in Library Catalog displays.

Specific tasks for the group to perform:

  • Design a planning timeline for the public implementation of the icons, in consultation with Cataloging staff.
  • Determine the nature of the iconography to be displayed.
  • Recommend a method for the design/creation of the iconography to DLG.
  • Working with DLUAG, perform user testing of the proposed iconography and modify as needed.
  • Design a public roll-out plan, including dissemination of information to library staff, integration into library education programs (working with E&O), and development of a marketing plan (working with Marketing Group).

The Task Force will work closely with Jen Fritz, Innopac System Administrator, and Barb Bushor, Cataloging and Metadata Supervisor.


Cecilia Tittemore, Chair

Bill Ghezzi, Cataloging and Metadata Services/data design

Carol Magenau, Acquisitions Services/users of Innopac codes

Janifer Holt, Feldberg Library/user assessment

Laura Graveline, RIS/user assessment

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Last Updated: 9/12/17