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Digital Library Group Charge

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The DLG manages information technologies to enable and support the creation, discovery, access to and preservation of scholarly information provided by the Library. It has management oversight and responsibility for the Library’s digital presence, including our website, and digital projects and initiatives that make resource demands on multiple departments, functions or work units.

It reports to LAG and is advisory to LMG.

To achieve its management responsibilities, DLG

  • Unifies multiple perspectives and interests across the organization through coherent project management. This group coordinates all digital projects offered in the digital library to ensure that resource impacts and demands are fully anticipated and considered. Library digital products available to library users via the network have a place in the Digital Library at Dartmouth and should be accessible through this site. Library staff should read the complete Digital Initiatives document for more complete information.
  • Communicates with all Library constituencies with a stake in our digital program, and actively maintains collaborative working relationships with functional workgroups and departments, especially Education and Outreach, Marketing, Assessment, User Services Committee, the Collections Management and Planning Group.
  • Plans, evaluates and implements technology solutions for the Digital Library. It identifies project resource needs and requirements, builds working groups, determines membership, sets work plans and project timelines, and assesses existing technology solutions and resources in the DL
  • Integrates the Library’s digital initiatives in a coherent planning framework and assures that these initiatives can rely on optimized, centrally-coordinated resources and support.
  • Scans the environment – internal and external – to identify and evaluate relevant new and emerging technologies, architectures and standards. It monitors the work of national and international organizations such as the Digital Library Federation and brings relevant knowledge to Dartmouth practice.


Consists of representatives from: Digital Library Services, Digital Library Technologies Group, Cataloging and Metadata Services, Preservation Services, College Archives, Access Services, Education, Assessment, Collections Management and Planning Group, Reference. The Associate Librarians of the College will both be ex-officio members.


  1. Meeting frequency: weekly
  2. Chair: Planned rotation of chair among members, with target term of six months. First chair will be Head of DLTG, assessment after 6 months.

    Responsibilities of the chair: the chair will set agendas, call meetings, run meetings, facilitate discussion, build consensus, move the group to decisions, maintain notes and records, and defines the work to be done between meetings. The chair can choose to delegate any of these tasks to members of the group at any time.

  3. Agenda setting: agendas will be set by chair with input from all members of the group.
  4. Web site: the group will maintain a web site for library staff use that will include minutes of the meetings, the group charge and roster, working group charges, minutes and other documents
  5. Working group relationships
    1. DLG will establish working groups’ membership and chair
    2. DLG will create a basic format for working group charges and write charges for each working group
    3. DLG will appoint one of its members to act as liaison to each working group [liaisons from this group and between groups to insure connections]; the liaison will work closely with working group chair to insure that agendas match the scope of the charge and that timelines are followed, and will bring back to DLG any questions regarding the working group’s progress, including modifying charges and timelines as needed. Liaisons will also facilitate communication between groups as appropriate, to ensure 360-degree communication.
    4. DLG will receive final recommendations from working groups and make decisions about implementation
  6. Project management: modeling the process
    1. Concept acquisition and assessment
    2. Integration and fit with DL architecture and standards
    3. Work plan design
    4. Prototype design
    5. Resource needs assessment and definition
    6. Work plan schedule
    7. Work plan implementation and hand-off to departments
    8. Work plan completion (by all project participants)
    9. Roll-out: internal marketing (staff-side)
    10. Roll-out: external marketing (user-side)
    11. Assess work process effectiveness
    12. Assess product effectiveness, including integration into the DL and user satisfaction
August 17, 2004
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Last Updated: 9/12/17