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Preservation, Acquisitions and Cataloging & Metadata Committee (PACC)

Statement of Purpose:

The Preservation, Acquisitions and Cataloging & Metadata Committee (PACC) is responsible for the overall design and coordination of inter-departmental activities, products, and services that we provide in support of Library services. PACC examines and improves work processes in Acquisitions Services, Cataloging & Metadata Services, and Preservation Services to best meet library goals and needs. PACC will discuss plans and identify priorities that cross the three departments. The goal of the group is to provide a forum for sharing timely information about each department, to discuss changes and innovations to work processes and procedures, to implement those changes, to coordinate work processes that involve multiple areas within these departments, and to identify future needs and innovations.

PACC reports jointly to the three department heads: Acquisitions, Cataloging & Metadata and Preservation.

Information on PACC membership, subgroups, meeting notes, etc., can be found on the PACC twiki.


PACC documentation: