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Web Management Group

Library Website Vision & Purpose

The Library website supports discovery and the creation of knowledge, in alignment with the mission of the Library and of Dartmouth College.  As the primary gateway to the Library’s collections, services, and expert staff, the Library website and its integrated systems are central to research, teaching, and learning for Dartmouth faculty, students, and the entire Dartmouth community. The Library website aims to illuminate, inform, satisfy and delight its users with well-organized and accessible, user-focused, clear, accurate and engaging content.

WMG Charge

The Web Management Group (WMG) is responsible for the oversight, active management and curation of the Library’s web content.  It provides a strategic vision for the Library’s web presence; plans, prioritizes, and oversees the implementation of web development projects; and plans for the adoption of new web technologies.  WMG reports to the Associate Librarian for User Services.

Key accountabilities

  • Work with Library stakeholders to develop and articulate a shared vision, principles, and high-level goals for the Library's website.
  • Create a unified and coherent Dartmouth College Library website that also supports the unique needs and identities of its diverse branches and user communities.
  • Establish policies and workflows for the management of web content, especially for the Library’s core or central set of pages, with guidelines addressing the creation of new content and the regular review and updating of existing content.
  • Pursue the ongoing improvement of the website through usability testing, web analytics and assessment, and content analysis.
  • Develop expertise in, and offer expert support across the Library in
    • the assessment of web content, through the use of web analytics, user testing, and other methods
    • web communication and writing for the web
    • usability and user-centered design
  • Monitor web technologies, opportunities and trends; coordinate with other entities (e.g., IDAG, DLTG) as appropriate to plan for the implementation of approved projects


  • Jane Quigley, Head, Kresge Physical Sciences Library (Chair)
  • Allie Ai, Library Web Developer, DLTG
  • Paul Merchant, Digital Library Technologies Group
  • [vacant], College Web Services

WMG specialists

  • [vacant] Web analytics, metrics, & metadata: [interim Shaun Akhtar, Cataloging & Metadata Services (through FY16)]
  • Web content: Karen Sluzenski, Feldberg Business & Engineering Library
  • Web UX and usability: Don Fitzpatrick, Biomedical Libraries

Email WMG

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Last Updated: 4/24/18