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Dartmouth Community & Dartmouth's World

Dartmouth Community and Dartmouth's World is an ongoing oral history project that launched in 2012. The project’s goal is to document the changing nature of the Dartmouth community in the second half of the twentieth century with an emphasis on the concept of the insider and outsider and how those roles and perceptions change for various constituencies over time. Narrators will include members of the Dartmouth community from 1945 to the present, representing a broad spectrum of voices and perspectives.

You can sort the interviews by clicking on the header of each column.

Name Community Class Year
Afre, KarenAlum2012
Agosto, ElizabethAlum, Staff2001
Akhtar, ShaunAlum, Staff2012
Altomerianos, DamarisAlum2013
Amico, MichaelAlum2007
Asala, RichardAlum2013, Thayer 2013
Barros, Patricia - transcript available in RaunerAlum2013
Biswas, SharangAlum2012, Thayer 2013
Bonga, DavidAlum, Staff1974
Brinckerhoff, Constance
photo by Jon Gilbert Fox
Brown, DennisStaff
Brown, RocheleAlum2013
Campbell, TaylorAlum2011
Cassady, EleanorStaff
Cave, EileenAlum1976
Chau, LisaAlum, Staff2006
Cohen, SueAlum1979
Cornelius, PeterStaff
Crane, John
photo by Peter Crane
Alum, Staff1969
Crosby, RayStaff
Dooley, Christopher T.Alum2012
Duthu, N. BruceAlum, Faculty1980
Dworken, Donald S.Alum1951
Fox, MichelleAlum1998
Godfrey, DarinStaff
Gutiérrez, MariánAlum2013
Haldeman, Julie AnnAlum2014
Hatch, EricAlum1968
Henderson, LucasAlum2009
Hennessey, MarthaAlum1976
Herrera, FranciscoAlum2013
Herman, ThomasAlum1969
Hermance, EdwinAlum1962
Hickson, JacobAlum2013
Hoffman, ElizabethAlum2013
Johnson, RaymondAlum1959
Johnson, MahmudAlum2013
Kearl, TimothyAlum2013
Kini, ShlokaAlum2013
Klissurski, Georgi - transcript available in Rauner LibraryAlum2014
Leddy-Cecere, MeaganAlum2012
Lee, ForresterAlum1968
Liou, AliceAlum2013
MacDonell, ParkerAlum1976
Macias, AbigailAlum2014
Mansilla, RolandAlum2013
Matsushita, MaiaAlum2013
McConnell, StevenAlum2003
McGrew, JenniferAlum, Staff2013
McPherson, NikkitaAlum2013
Markin, LindaAlum1977
Milanese, Mary AnnStaff
Miller, MaritzaAlum2013
Montour, Rita-LouiseAlum2013
Muharemovic, SanelaAlum2012
Navarro, MarysaFaculty
Neill, ElizabethAlum2013
O'Connell, Chris - transcript available in Rauner LibraryAlum, Staff2013
Odokara-Okigbo, MichaelAlum2012
Orth, CameronAlum2013
Pellowski, Aaron - transcript available in Rauner LibraryAlum2015
Pierce, NellAlum2013
Rines, Katherine DuffAlum1971
Ryce, DrewAlum1974
Sereen, AmeliaAlum, Staff
Severson, StephenAlum1974
Sithavady, Paphanh - transcript available in Rauner LibraryStaff
Sjogren, BillAlum1967
Smith, John PeterAlum2009
Song, ThomasAlum1953
Spelios, LouAlum1995
Stimson, CooperAlum2013
Theriault, RayStaff
Tillinger, WernerAlum1986
Tom, DanielAlum1968
Topkok, MeghanAlum2013
Turner, BenAlum2013
Valentini, NickAlum2013
Voll, EirikAlum2014
Wai, Karen - transcript available in Rauner LibraryAlum2014
Waner, ArturoAlum2013
Wang, RachelAlum2013
Washington, HaroldAlum1975, Tuck 1977
Waugh, ShermaineAlum2013
Wheelock, AmandaAlum2013
Willey, TeddyStaff
Williams, CrishuanaAlum2012
Womick, Callista
photo by Dan Routh
Wong, JasonAlum2013, Thayer 2014
Yasumura, NoraStaff
Young, DennisAlum1969
Yu, Iris - transcript available in Rauner LibraryAlum2014

The Dartmouth College Library gratefully acknowledges the generous support of the Church Digital Media Fund, donated by Allen S. Church '76, which has provided for the transcription of each of these interviews.

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Last Updated: 5/2/23