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Swift C. & Virginia Barnes

Swift C. Barnes, Green Book/Aegis  image Name: Swift C. Barnes, Jr.
Class: 1942
Military Unit: US Navy V-7

Virginia Barnes Name: Virginia Barnes

Listen to the interview:

Swift: "Before the war started, the deal was that after our midshipmen summer training [in New York] we would go back to Dartmouth and finish up school. You were obliged then to go on active duty after your college degree. But when I was commissioned, which was around September 7th, [1941], there was no inactive duty. So we went right on active duty .… I think [at the College] they thought it would be a patriotic thing."

Virginia: "I had three jobs.... We got $90 a month from the government, so I babysat in the morning from 9 'till 12:00. I always remember it because it was the worst job and then from 12 'til 5 or maybe 1 to 5, because I must have had an hour's lunch, I worked down on the main street in a little dress shop right next to the Inn. It's been gone for years. I remember it was run by a family named Margolies. It was ok. And then at night I worked at the Tuck library. So it was a busy time."

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Last Updated: 3/3/22