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Harlan & Evelyn Brumsted

Harlan Brumsted, Green Book/Aegis image Name: Harlan Brumsted
Class: 1946
Military Unit: US Navy, V-12

Evelyn Brumsted, Name: Evelyn Brumsted

Listen to the interview:

Harlan: "At one of our first parties [at SAE] one beer did me in…. A fellow who was a roommate … recognized that something was wrong with me because I would breathe and then stop breathing. So they called Dick's House and they didn't have an ambulance but they had a hearse. So I got a ride on the hearse."

Evelyn: "Harlan was the only married member of this really very tight-knit crew, a group of young men. And they would come to me when there was a big weekend and they were going to have dates come in and they'd come and say, 'Suki, all you have to do is cook! You know, we'll do everything. We'll buy the food and all you have to do is cook!' You realize that what I had to cook on was a double hotplate."

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Last Updated: 3/3/22