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George Day

George Day, Green Book/Aegis imageName: George Day
Class: 1949
Military Unit: US Navy

Listen to the interview:

"To my knowledge there weren't things done to try to change the mixture there, the gulf that existed [between the returning vets and regular students] … But when the guy sitting next to you was known, as was the case, to have shot down seven Japanese zeros and another classmate had been a prisoner of war and had the heck beaten out of him in Yugoslavia, you know there is obviously some common ground, but not a lot of common ground there."

Download complete transcript of interview.

Editor's Note: Due to equipment failure, the bulk of George Day's telephone interview was lost during recording. We were able to rescue only a small portion of the interview. The audio picks up with George describing his return to campus for his senior year after a nine-year absence. Our profound apologies to Prof. Day.

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Last Updated: 3/3/22