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Robert & Joyce Fieldsteel

Robert Fieldsteel, Green Book/Aegis image Name: Robert Fieldsteel
Class: 1943
Military Unit: US Army

Joyce Fieldsteel Name: Joyce Fieldsteel

Listen to the interview:

Bob: "[Pearl Harbor] was a very sobering thing. I don't remember if it was that day or the next day, there was a meeting of the College and President Hopkins announced that the College would run 'round the clock from then on, that after this coming up Christmas vacation, we would go twelve months a year and try to graduate as many people as possible. And that is what we did."

Joyce: "I wasn’t even 21 when we were married. Bob was my guardian. I didn’t know anything about anything. . . I didn't know how to cook. And we had a hotplate [in Fayerweather] because the kitchens weren’t there and you put your milk outside the window because they didn’t have homogenized milk and the top would freeze…. We had a frying pan and I don't remember what I cooked – something meager. All of a sudden, all of the lights went out. Everybody ran out. It was a fuse. We didn't know what it was. It happened again. The third night we looked at each other and then I said, 'I think it's us.'"

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Last Updated: 3/3/22