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Walter & Katharine Fisher

Walter Fischer, Green Book/Aegis image Name: Walter Fisher
Class: 1950
Military Unit: US Marine Corps

Katherine Fischer Name: Katharine Fisher

Listen to Walter Fisher:

Walter: "In those days, college professors had two pressures: one was to educate the youngsters that came before them, and to put up with the GIs who, [like me], were 21, not 17 or 18. We had one guy in the class who was 36 years old and had four children! So there was a variety of these youngsters and [the professors] had a real challenge in educating them [because] many of them probably never thought of going to college."

Download complete transcript of Walter's interview.

Listen to Katharine Fisher:

Katharine: "It [returning after military service] was tough for him, I think. And it would have been, you know, having been in the service and coming back…. The friends that we had over there [in Wigwam Circle] that I met, his friends, were all his age, having spent time in the service."

Download complete transcript of Katharine's interview.

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Last Updated: 3/3/22