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John W. & Ruth Howard

John W. Howard, Green Book/Aegis imageName: John W. Howard
Class: 1946
Military Unit: US Navy, V-12

Ruth HowardName: Ruth Howard

Listen to John Howard:

John: "Dartmouth was about 95 percent V-12, the whole campus, and all the dorms…. It really was nice. We would march out on the Green like they do in Annapolis and West Point and people would come from all over to see us parade. We'd all line up, we'd face the flag and then they'd raise and lower the flag and then we'd all march around and pass in review and President Hopkins and the Navy captain and maybe the provost and a few officials from the College would stand there and they'd put their hats over their hearts."

Download complete transcript of John's interview.

Listen to Ruth Howard:

Ruth: "I don’t know whether I intended [to find work] because we were only going to be here a short time and I got pregnant within two months of being married and I was certainly not feeling very well. And, of course, we weren't going to have children for at least five years until we were established and on our feet. But you know those things turn out for the best and Sue-Ellen was born in May, at Hitchcock."

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Last Updated: 3/3/22