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Donald & Ruth Sisson

Donald Sisson, Green Book/Aegis image Name: Donald Sisson
Class: 1945
Military Unit: US Army

Ruth Sisson Name: Ruth Sisson

Listen to the interview:

Don: "I remember December 7th. Everybody sure remembers where they were December 7th. As a freshman, I had signed on at Dartmouth on the Daily D as what we called the 'heeler.' That was the entry-level type gopher, entry to the staff of the Daily D. And on December the 7th I got a call on the hall phone and they said they wanted all the heelers and everybody down to the office to get out an extra of the Daily D. I went down that afternoon and I don’t remember all the mechanics but the result was that we got out one sheet extra tabloid size front and back of the Daily D and I am almost sure we hit the streets that afternoon."

Ruth: “There were 8 units on one side of the building [Wigwam Circle] and 8 on the other, so in other words there were 16 of these stoves. Why we didn't all blow up … because nobody there … knew how to work these stoves.”

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Last Updated: 3/3/22