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Joseph Vancisin

Joseph Vancisin, Green Book/Aegis imageName: Joseph Vancisin
Class: 1944
Military Unit: Army Air Corps

Listen to the interview:

Joseph: "My freshman year here was very sad, as a matter of fact. I was captain of the freshman basketball team and I was out playing baseball when the weather turned. Evidently, I did something stupid: I tried to get a tan and took off my shirts. It was a little chilly, I guess, and I ended up with pneumonia and pleurisy. Lost about 60 pounds and almost passed away. And if it wasn’t for Dr. Milligan, another terrific Dartmouth man, I don’t know if I'd be here today…. I was in Dick's House for two months. I missed my finals … and for the next two years, Dr. Pollard, who was the team physician, wouldn't let me play."

Download complete transcript of interview.