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Charles Dana Waterman

Charles Dana Waterman, Green Book/Aegis  image Name: Charles Dana Waterman
Class: 1945
Military Unit: US Marine Corps

Sibyl Waterman Name: Sibyl Waterman

Listen to the interview with Sybyl Waterman:

Sibyl: "[In the married Lord dorm rooms there was] next to nothing for closets. Nothing for women.  It was all made for boys' suits, boys' jackets and no storage space, no nothing. We kept the extra bunk bed; some of them had it moved out. But he was 6'4'' and didn't want to sleep in the top bunk and I was pregnant and didn't want to sleep in the top bunk. So we kept the two bunks and both of us slept on the bottom bunks. But it was very handy because we used the top bunks for storage … and things got piled up on the top bunk."

Download complete transcript of Sibyl's interview.

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Last Updated: 3/3/22