
Floods account for the nation's most common and costly disasters. Being "The College on the Hill", the Dartmouth campus is not generally susceptible to river flooding, but the large amount of snow that accumulates during the winter months poses a risk to the Dartmouth community. With impending warm weather and the spring melt, basements may take on water that finds its way down stairwells, through windows and between cracks in aging foundations.

Those of you not living on the Dartmouth campus may find that your home is located in a flood zone. FEMA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) recommend that you learn more about your risk for flooding and the availability of flood insurance in your area.

More than half of all flood-related deaths result from vehicles being swept downstream. Remember, flash flooding can take only a few minutes to a few hours to develop. Be prepared to take detours and adjust your route due to road closures if there is standing water. As little as six inches of water may cause you to lose control of your vehicle.

Tips to Mitigate Flood Effects:

  • Never venture into flood waters; on foot or in your vehicle.
  • Pay close attention to your email, news broadcasts, and the Emergency Preparedness web page for updates and recommendations.
  • Learn if you are at risk.
  • Keep bottled water stocked for drinking.
  • If necessary, seek high ground.

To be prepared:

  • Consider flood insurance as most homeowner's insurance does not cover flooding.
  • Take steps to make your home less susceptible to minor flooding.


For a full guide, visit Floods | Ready.gov.