2009-2010 Public Programs

Public Programs 2009-10

Public lectures by nationally and internationally known policy makers, scholars, and commentators expose students to a range of viewpoints. Through the Class of 1930 Fellowship, the Brooks Family ,Portman, and Bernard Nossiter lectureships, the Center is able to assemble an impressive array of speakers. Among this year’s speakers were Anne Mulcahy, Chairman, Xerox Corporation, Ezekiel Emanuel, Chair, Clinical Center Department of Bioethics, National Institutes of Health; Special Advisor on Health Policy to the Director of OMB, Executive Office of the President of the United States of America, and Robert Putnam, The Peter and Isabel Malkin Professor of Public Policy, Harvard University, Director, The Saguaro Seminar: Civic Engagement, Harvard Kennedy School.

Barnico Thomas A.  Barnico ’77, Assistant Attorney General, Massachusetts Office of the Attorney General, Massachusetts
“World Trade and States’ Rights: New Threats to Sovereignty?”

Chu Dr. David S. C. Chu, Former Under Secretary for Personnel and Readiness (2001-2009), Department of Defense President and CEO, Institute for Defense Analyses (2009-Present)
“The Challenge of Managing Defense”
The Brooks Family Lecture

Class of 64 Poster “Leadership: Past, Present and Future”- Class of 1964 Panel Discussion
Moderator: Ronald Schram ’64, Dartmouth Trustee Emeritus and Current Chair of the Nelson A. Rockefeller Center Board of Visitors
Scott Creelman ’64, Retired CEO of Spaulding Sports, Captain of the 1963 Ivy Champion Football Team
Derikka Mobley ’10, Rockefeller Leadership Fellow, 2009-2010
J.R. Santo ’10, Rockefeller Leadership Fellow, 2009-2010
Andrew Samwick, Director, The Nelson A. Rockefeller Center, Dartmouth College, Professor of Economics,
Dartmouth College

“Activism in the Electronic Age: The Impact of Technology on Political Protest” - Panel Discussion
Moderator: Denise Anthony - Associate Professor of Sociology and Research Director, Institute for Security, Technology and Society (ISTS)
Bruce Etling, Director of the Internet & Democracy Project at the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University
Elham Gheytanchi,Professor of Sociology, Santa Monica College
Evgeny Morozov, Yahoo! Fellow at the Institute for the Study of Diplomacy, Georgetown University
A Dartmouth Centers Forum Event

2010 Dartmouth Law Day Events

Mott John Mott ’81, Associate Judge, Superior Court of the District of Columbia
“Hate Crime and Civil Rights Violations in the United States -- the Law Enforcement Response
The Stephen R. Volk ’57 Lecture – Honoring “Law Day”
Co-sponsored with the Dartmouth Legal Studies Faculty Group and the Dartmouth Lawyers Association

"Hate Crimes in America: Does Hate Crime Legislation Protect Victims or Punish Thought?"-Dartmouth Law Day Panel
Moderator: Kevin O’Leary, Associate General Counsel, Dartmouth College
Sonu Bedi, Assistant Professor, Government, Dartmouth College
Lisa Friel ’79, Chief of Sex Crimes Unit, Manhattan County District Attorney's Office
Judge John Mott ’81, Associate Judge, Superior Court of the District of Columbia
Co-sponsored with the Dartmouth Legal Studies Faculty Group, the Dartmouth Lawyers Association, and Dartmouth Alumni Relations

“Why Should You Go to Law School?"- Dartmouth Law Day Panel
Bruce Duthu ’80, Samson Occom Professor of Native American Studies, Chair of the NAS Program
Lisa Friel ’79, Chief of Sex Crimes Unit, Manhattan County District Attorney's Office
Alexandra Meise Bay ’01, Associate, White & Case LLP, in Washington, DC 
Sarah Merlo ’00, Attorney, Vitt & Rattigan in Norwich, VT
Judge John Mott ’81, Associate Judge, Superior Court of the District of Columbia
Co-sponsored with the Dartmouth Legal Studies Faculty Group, the Dartmouth Lawyers Association, and Dartmouth Alumni Relations

Denis Dison, Vice President of External Affairs of the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund
 “LGBT People in Electoral Politics”
Co-sponsored with the Dartmouth LGBT PRIDE Committee

Emanuel Ezekiel Emanuel, Chair, Clinical Center Department of Bioethics, National Institutes of Health; Special Advisor on Health Policy to the Director of OMB, Executive Office of the President of the United States of America
 “How to Think Through Ethical Dilemmas”
The Tamara Friedman Nixon and Daniel D. Nixon ’55 Fund in Support of the Scholar-in-Residence Program at Dartmouth College Hillel
Co-sponsored with Dartmouth Hillel, The John Sloan Dickey Center for International Understanding, and The William Jewett Tucker Foundation

Fischel William Fischel, Patricia F. and William B. Hale ’44 Professor in Arts and Sciences, Department of Economics, Dartmouth College
“Making the Grade: The Economic Evolution of American School Districts”

Governors “Governing a State During a National Recession” - Panel Discussion
The Honorable John Hoeven ’79, Governor of North Dakota
The Honorable John H. Lynch, Governor of New Hampshire

LessingLawrence Lessig, Director of the Edmond J. Safra Foundation Center for Ethics, Professor of Law at Harvard Law School
"Rebooting Our Democracy”
The Ronna and Edward J. Goldstein 1962 Fund for Distinguished Visitors in Film Studies
Co-sponsored with the Department of Film and Media Studies, the Dartmouth College Library, Dartmouth Computing Services and Research Computing, and the Institute for Security, Technology, and Society

Lewin Nathan Lewin, Esq.
"Battling for Religious Rights in the Supreme Court"
The 4th Annual Dr. Tzvi Yehuda Saks Memorial Lecture
Co-sponsored with Chabad at Dartmouth

McKinnonCatharine MacKinnon, Elizabeth A. Long Professor of Law, University of Michigan
“Women’s Status, Men’s States.”
The William H. Timbers ’37 Lecture
In cooperation with the Dartmouth Legal Studies Faculty and the Dartmouth Lawyers Association

McHenry Stephanie McHenry ’84, PresidentShoreBank, Cleveland Region, Ohio
“Banking to Change the World: Creating Jobs and Empowering Communities”
A Martin Luther King Celebration Event Sponsored by the Nelson A. Rockefeller Center for Public Policy and the Social Sciences

Muirhead Russell Muirhead, Robert Clements Associate Professor of Democracy and Politics, Dartmouth College
“What Good Citizens Should Know: Civics for the 21st Century”
Co-sponsored with The League of Women Voters

Mulcahy Anne Mulcahy, Chairman, Xerox Corporation
“Leadership Lessons Learned on the Firing Line.”
The Portman Lecture in the Spirit of Entrepreneurship
In cooperation with the Tuck Center for Private Equity and Entrepreneurship, the Dartmouth Entrepreneurial Network (DEN), Dartmouth Women in Business, and The Rockefeller Center Women in Leadership

OConnell James O’Connell, M.D., President, Boston Heath Care for the Homeless
“Dispatches from the Streets: Lessons Learned During 25 Years of Caring for Boston’s Rough Sleepers.”

Kerry Pokorny, Tuck ’01, Vice President of Marketing, PR and Brand Strategy for Ann Taylor Stores
“The New Ann Taylor: Rebuilding an Iconic American Brand”
Co-sponsored with Dartmouth Women in Business

Putnam Robert Putnam, The Peter and Isabel Malkin Professor of Public Policy, Harvard University
Director, The Saguaro Seminar: Civic Engagement, Harvard Kennedy School
“E Pluribus Unum: Immigration, Diversity, and Community”
Co-sponsored with the Vermont Humanities Council

Reynolds James Reynolds, BBC Foreign Correspondent
“Stuff Them Or Shoot Them? - The Future Of The Foreign Correspondent.”
The Bernard D. Nossiter ’47 Lecture

rosenblum Nancy Rosenblum, Senator Joseph Clark Professor of Ethics in Politics and Government Theory, Harvard University
“Partisanship and Independence: The Moral Distinctiveness of ‘Party-ID’”
The Roger S. Aaron '64 Lecture
Co-sponsored with the Dartmouth Legal Studies Faculty Group and the Dartmouth Lawyers Association

Peter Schneider, Novelist, Essayist, Film Writer
20 Years After the Fall of the Berlin Wall”
Co-sponsored by the Department of German Studies, the Dickey Center for International Understanding, the
Leslie Center for the Humanities, the Harris Visiting Professorship, and the Government Department

Shaiko Ronald G. Shaiko, Professor, Senior Fellow and Associate Director, Rockefeller Center for Public Policy and the Social Sciences
Petitioning Government: Interest Groups, Lobbying, and the First Amendment”
A Constitution Day Program

Sloane Melanie Sloan Executive Director, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), Washington, DC
“Can the Government be Trusted to Oversee Itself?”

Stockton Dr. Paul Stockton ’76, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Americas’ Security Affairs
“When the Worst Things Happen - Preparing for Catastrophes”
Co-sponsored with The John Sloan Dickey Center for International Understanding

Tanner Michael Tanner, Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute
"Health Care Reform: What Just Happened?”
Co-sponsored with The Dartmouth College Libertarians

Wood Peter Wood, President of the National Association of Scholars
“Here They Come: Assessment and Accountability in Higher Education”
Co-sponsored with the Dartmouth Government Department and the Dartmouth Presidents Office

Woolley Mary Woolley, President, Research!America
“Global Health is America’s Health: Your Role in Connecting Research to
Co-sponsored with The John Sloan Dickey Center for International Understanding

Zoi Cathy Zoi, Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, U.S. Department of Energy
"America's Clean Energy Future"
Co-sponsored with the Tuck Center for Private Equity and Entrepreneurship and Thayer School of Engineering