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Why do I need to use EZproxy?

If you are off-campus, EZproxy will allow you to more easily access the Libraries' electronic resources. It has replaced the Webgateway interface.

What do I need to do to use it?

EZproxy doesn't require any installation or setup. Start from any of the Library's webpages (including the catalog, Summon, and the Research Guides) and click on one of our electronic resources. The URLs have been updated to go through EZproxy, which will prompt you to log in using your Dartmouth NetID and password. If you are on-campus (including Dartmouth and DHMC-Lebanon), EZproxy will pass you through to your desired resource without requiring you to login.

What does it look like?

The only difference that you will see is in the URL for the resource, which will have the EZproxy prefix (dartmouth.idm.oclc.org).

becomes http://dartmouth.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.proquest.com

Who can use it?

Anyone who has a Dartmouth NetID and password; Students, Faculty, and Staff.

What is the difference between EZproxy and VPN?

The VPN requires installation and setup, whereas EZproxy works seamlessly to link you from the Library's website to subscription resources in your web browser. For users who only need to access Library resources, EZproxy is simpler to use than the VPN. (The VPN is required to access some non-Library resources. Library resources will continue to work properly for VPN users.)

What will happen to my old bookmarks?

Bookmarks for electronic resources that were created before the introduction of EZproxy will not be "EZproxy friendly." They will continue to work on campus, but will not work for off-campus users.

Can I make new bookmarks to the Libraries' electronic resources using EZproxy?

Yes, bookmarking links to electronic resources that you have accessed through EZproxy will make the URL's "EZproxy friendly," which will work on or off-campus. To make new bookmarks, use the URL displayed while authenticated with EZproxy; you will know you are authenticated when the address bar starts with the EZproxy prefix. New bookmarks made through EZproxy can be added to Canvas as needed.

How do I get help with EZproxy?

If you need help, contact ejhelp@dartmouth.edu.

When I’m off-campus, I’m unable to access some materials on the Canvas site for my class. How can I access these materials?

There are two options.  First, add the ezproxy prefix (below) to the beginning of the url of the item you want to access:

Another option is to use the Big-IP Client (F5) to establish a VPN session. Once you have initiated a VPN session, you should be able access any of the Library’s licensed resources. You can download and install the software by visiting our Off-campus Access to Library Resources page.

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Last Updated: 4/24/18