The manuscript should be written in English and
neatly typed or printed on one side of the paper
using double line spacing. Unclear handwritten
insertions are not acceptable. The following
guidelines should be carefully observed.
Number all pages, from the very first to the very last. The
FIRST PAGE should contain the following items, in
exactly the given order:
(1) Version Date, stating when that particular version was finalized /
(2) Title of the paper. Do not use
capital letters.
(3) Author's Names (initials or first names before surnames), grouped together,
separated by commas and each followed by a superscript letter ( a etc.), referring to the
respective address.
(4) Addresses, each preceded by a superscript letter ( a etc.), referring to the
respective author name(s).
(5) Abstract, which should be self-contained (no footnotes or
references) and serve both as an index to and a
brief summary of the paper.
(6) 3 or 4 Keywords, which will be quoted in the Subject Index of the
(7) Name and complete Postal Address of the author that is responsible for further
correspondence, plus valid Fax number and E-mail address.
The NEXT PAGES should contain the following
items (in just this order): Main Text, References,
Tables (with captions), list of Figure Captions,
Figures. Acknowledgements (e.g. for grants) should
be put at the end of the main text, before the
NOTATION must be legible, clear, compact
and consistent with standard usage. All unusual or
handwritten symbols whose identity may not be
obvious to the typesetter must be identified in the
left margin at first appearance. Vectors should be
printed in bold characters; they will be typeset
bold italic. Special attention should be given to
characters that can be misread, such as: l (ell), 1
(one), N (prime), o (lower case), O (capital), 0
(zero), E (degree), v (vee), n (Greek nu), c (lower
case), C (capital), i, I, s, S, x, X, H (times), z,
Z, p, P, r (Greek rho), k, K, k (Greek kappa), etc.
Please note the following Journal-specific notation:
BCC, FCC, RF, RT, AC, DC, at%, wt%. Always
abbreviated and with initial capital: Fig. 4, Eq.
(3), Ref. [2]. Always use 'single' quotation marks.
Separate units from the preceding number by a space
(230 K, 2.5 kHz, 3.2 A/m, etc.), but close up
degrees and percentages (24EC, 53%). You are
requested to italicize all symbols (the variables B
not the units or standard functions such as exp,
cos). However, on the other hand, subscripts and
superscripts should be printed roman (i.e. not
italic) if they do not denote a variable or an index
but an abbreviation [e.g. TC (Curie-temperature), Eg
FORMULAS should be displayed
(i.e. put on separate lines) when they are important
or quoted elsewhere, but also if they are likely to
be broken incorrectly in the printed text. Displayed
equations should still fit into the Journal text
column width (i.e. 7.5 cm), so you should break long
lines at suitable places, with this width in mind.
Equation numbers should be put at the right margin.
To permit a page break, they should not refer to a
group of equations; rather subdivide your numbering
[e.g. (2a), (2b)].
TABLES (with arabic numbering in
order of appearance) should be used for all except
the simplest tabular material. Their structure
should be clear, with simple column headings giving
all units. Choose the least space-consuming layout;
in most cases this means rather making long than
wide tables, to make them fit into a single printed
text column.
FIGURES should be ORIGINAL drawings / glossy prints or photographs, i.e.
xerox copies will NOT be accepted! Good laserprints are acceptable if
they are absolutely clear and stainless. Electron micrographs should be
provided with a scale bar within the figure and their top edge should be
indicated. All details (lettering, plotted symbols) should have
proportionate dimensions so as not to become illegible or unclear after
reduction; in general the figures should be half the size of a
typewritten page and also should be designed for reduction to one-column
width (7.5 cm). Avoid small open symbols which tend to fill in upon
reduction. The size of the lettering should be no less than 1.5 mm after
reduction. Please check carefully for spelling mistakes and consistency
with the main text. Wherever feasible, compile individual graphs with
identical axis values and analogous captions into a single figure. All
figures should be identified on the back by their number, the name of
the first author and the reference number of the conference, if known.
The numbering should be in the order in which they are referred to in
the text. Finally, the figure captions should not be put under the
figures but rather listed together on a separate sheet, preceded by
`Fig. 1.' etc.
REFERENCES should be consecutively numbered in the text
[in square brackets], also according to their order of appearance. The
information should be presented in the correct Journal style (see recent
issues), especially with regard to the order of items. Include authors,
journal names, page numbers, book editors, book or proceedings
publishers (with location), and year of publication:
[1] F.J. Pinski et al., Phys. Rev. B 23 (1981) 5080.
[2] J. Jackle, in: Amorphous Solids: Low-Temperature Properties,
ed. W.A. Philips (Springer, Berlin, 1981) pp. 135B160.
All references should be cited in the text.
THE MANUSCRIPT should be submitted together with the final accepted
paper copy. It is the responsibility of the author to ensure that the
version on disk exactly matches that on paper. Any of the well-known
word processors may be used. The preferred storage medium is a standard
3.5 inch disk that has been formatted with MS-DOS. Please, format
EQUATIONS as Equations and not as figure boxes! The text should be
prepared in the same way as described above. The name and version of the
word-processing program, the title, the first author's name and the
conference code (for reference) should be clearly indicated both on the
disk label and checklist.
(1) The length of the manuscript may not exceed the conference limit
(see the length calculation form).
(2) The manuscript should be double-spaced throughout.
(3) Number all pages consecutively.
(4) Give full postal address of the corresponding author plus Fax and
E-mail nos. and 3 or 4 keywords on the first page.
(5) Give references complete and in Journal style.
(6) Supply only first-quality original figures / photographs.
(7) Put the figure captions in a list on a separate sheet.
(8) Indicate type / version of the word processor on the disk.
(9) Fill out the enclosed Length Calculation Form correctly and completely.
(10) Submit three copies of the paper, together with one set of original figures / photographs, a
disk with the electronic version of the manuscript (8) and the filled out form (9).