Finance Information Forum

The Finance Information Forums are designed to provide the community updates regarding projects, processes, policies, and upcoming dates, deadlines, and reminders.  

2024 Spring Finance Information Forum (PDF)

Resources Referenced

Watch the Finance Information Forum

2023 Fall Finance Information Forum (PDF)

Resources Referenced

Watch the Finance Information Forum

2023 Spring Finance Information Forum (PDF)

Resources Referenced:

  • Business Expense Policy
    • Tips: 
      • Check out our iExpense Resources for guidance and training videos.  
      • In iExpense, please check for tips, taxes, service fees, etc., that might have been preitemized and automatically classified as Personal.  These preitemizations should be removed in iExpense so that the charges are allocated to your chart string. Learn how by watching the Spotting and Removing Pre-itemization video. Please send any questions to
    • Questions: 
        • Is Tipping for Taxis | Ubers refundable.
          Answer: Yes, reasonable tipping (less than 20%) for public transportation is reimbursable. 
        • What is a reasonable tip for housekeeping? 
          Answer: Does it depend on the cost of the room? Less than 20% of tipping is considered reasonable. 
        • What or how do you put on the expense report if someone has a room service or hotel restaurant charge on their folio and they are claiming per diem? If it is on their personal card do you do the same thing?
          Answer: When claiming per diem and paying with a corporate card, meals on the hotel bill should be itemized as personal, to be deducted from the hotel expense. If claiming per diem and using a personal card, only enter the amount of the hotel expense and do not include the meal. 
        • Is there insurance on flights as you are allowed to choose refundable or non-refundable?
          Answer: The individual's Corporate Card should be used to ensure maximum insurance protection. 
        • Is there insurance on car rental include?
          Answer: The individual's Corporate Card should be used to ensure maximum insurance protection. 
  • Hiring Graduating Students
  • Student Digital Payments FAQ
    • Tips: 
      • For Student Digital Payments: Student needs to check junk for email from Trustees of Dartmouth College
      • Please let students know to sign into their Digital Payments with their Student NET ID and not their name.
    • Questions: 
      • Would the student need to setup wire transfer as an option? Or would this be on the department to verify and setup?
        Answer: Wire transfers for students should only be used if the student does not have a U.S. Bank account. The department would need to gather the wire information from the student and provide it with their Payment Request eForm or Student Prizes & Awards eForm. 
  • Next Gen Supervisor TimesheetX Responsibilities

2022 Fall Finance Information Forum (PDF)

Resources Referenced:

2022 Spring Finance Information Forum (PDF)

Resources Referenced:

2021 Fall Finance Information Forum (PDF)

The presentation has been updated to include additional information:

Resources Referenced: 

Last Updated