2011 CCN workshop: Population Coding of High Level Representations

Organizers: James Haxby, Hany Farid, Peter Tse

Co-sponsored by the CCN and the Neukom Institute for Computational Sciences

Speakers and talk titles

Eero Simoncelli, New York University

Metamers of the ventral stream


Ed Connor, Johns Hopkins University

Neural coding of object structure in the ventral visual pathway


Tomaso Poggio, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

The computational magic of the ventral stream: Towards a theory


Charles Cadieu, University of California Berkeley, Redwood Institute

Learning intermediate-level representations of form and motion from natural movies


Jim DiCarlo, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Untangling object recognition: Which neuronal population codes can explain human object recognition performance


Jim Haxby, Dartmouth

Building common models of neural representational spaces


Alice O'Toole, University of Texas Dallas

Understanding neural representation of facial identity, race, and viewpoint: Constraining the neural with the perceptual


Jack Gallant, University of California Berkeley

Using voxel-wise encoding models to discover brain representations and to decode brain activity


Niko Kriegeskorte, MRC Cognition and Brain Science Unit Cambridge

Representational similarity analysis of visual object population codes


Tom Mitchell, Carnegie Mellon University

What neural activity encodes about stimuli, where and when


Videos of talks
