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Education: Workshops & Consultations

Finding Information:


  • Research Tools for Nurses
    This workshop is essential for nurses who do research! We'll introduce CINAHL (the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature), which indexes the nursing and allied health literature, and cover search tips and techniques for effective CINAHL use. We'll walk attendees through accessing full-text journal articles, and also look at other useful web-based resources, including sources of information for patients. Hands-on research time is included in this workshop.
  • PubMed Basics
    PubMed doesn't need to be intimidating! Whether you are new to PubMed or are looking to be more efficient in your use of PubMed, this workshop will have something for you. You'll learn how to select and combine search terms to develop a powerful search strategy, and explore tools found in PubMed such as search limits, clipboard and "details" functions that can make your searching more painless. Bring your current research questions, as hands-on time is included in this workshop. Be sure to sign up for Advanced PubMed as well!
  • Advanced PubMed
    This workshop is for people who have some experience searching MEDLINE (via Ovid or PubMed) who want to learn more advanced features of the PubMed interface: searching with medical subject headings (MeSH), clinical queries, utilizing the citation matcher, saving searches and autoalerts, and other My NCBI features. Hands-on time is included in this workshop. Prerequisite: PubMed Basics or comparable experience. Contact us if unsure.
  • Who’s Using my Research?!: Resources for Biomedical Research
    Learn why you should add Scopus and Web of Science to your search toolkit! In addition to extensive coverage of the biomedical literature, these databases have advanced citation analysis tools so you can calculate h-index, look at journal impact, and see how many times an article has been cited. These tools help you see who is citing your work and identify potential collaborators. Scopus and Web of Science include more disciplines and more formats (e.g. meeting abstracts, book chapters, and patents) than PubMed so they are critical to comprehensive searching.

Managing Information:

  • Painless Citation Management with Zotero and Paperpile
    This workshop introduces key functions of Zotero and Paperpile, including installing, adding citations to your library, organizing and managing your citations, creating a bibliography, and easily inserting citations into your documents. You'll love the time-saving features of these citation managers and wonder how you ever wrote a manuscript without them!
  • How To Do A Literature Review
    This workshop will present a structured method for conducting a literature search, whether you’re writing the background section of a paper or you’re publishing a literature review. Workshop topics include strategies to ensure a comprehensive search, documenting your process, and keeping track of what you find. Come to this workshop and learn how to perform a literature review with ease.
  • Metrics: Managing Personal, Journal and Article Impact
    Research impact is a hot topic in academia. Metrics, such as journal impact factor, h-index, citation analysis and altmetrics attempt to quantify impact. In this workshop we will: discuss impact metrics, what they measure, and why (and if) they matter, show tools to determine these metrics (e.g. how to calculate your h-index), demo ways of tracking interest in your publications using Web of Science, and discuss best practices for optimizing measurement of your research impact.
  • Publishing in the Health Sciences: Increasing your Research Visibility
    Are you an aspiring or veteran author in the health sciences looking to make an impact with your research? This workshop will cover a wide range of publishing topics — from best practices for increasing your research visibility, finding journals for your work, disseminating your research widely, to publishing Open Access. This workshop is intended for students, faculty, researchers, and clinicians in the health sciences. Come with your burning questions on all things publishing.
  • So You’re Thinking of Writing a Systematic Review
    Thinking of publishing a systematic review? This workshop will set you up for success. Find out the steps involved, who should be on your team, how to set a realistic timeline, and standards for conducting and writing a systematic review. We'll talk about how librarians can help along the way, and spend time searching the literature together.

Introduction to the Library:

  • Getting Started With Your Health Sciences Research: An Introduction to the Biomedical Libraries
    Are you new to the Dartmouth community? Returning to research? If you haven't had an opportunity to explore the many resources and services available to you through the Dartmouth Libraries, then this workshop is for you! We will introduce you to the Dartmouth Libraries online catalog, provide an overview of the many electronic resources available to you right from your desktop, show you how to access books and journal articles from our collections and beyond, and register you for borrowing privileges.
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Last Updated: 6/18/24